2015-09-10 50 views



truncate table TableX 
drop table TableX 
delete table_name 



基於由@Michal here答案,多一些搜索我做了下面的語句下面的對比(在T-SQL ):truncate table TableXdrop table TableXdelete table_name

      Truncate   Drop     Delete 
Speed      [Fast]    Slow     Slowest 
Rolback possibility  No     No     [Yes] 
Specifiable conditions  No     No     [Yes] 
Scope      All records  All record+Headers Some records/All records 
               =whole table 
Cascading effects   No*    No*     [Yes]** 

**For example: in a Table_1 there is a PK, in Table_2 there is a FK that relates with 
the PK of Table_1, other words there is referential integrity. If the PK has `'ON DELETE CASCADE'` 
and `delete Table_1` is ordered, then the data in Table_2 will be deleted too, 
automatically. For more info about ON DELETE CASCADE and ON ALTER CASCADE, see: 

Cascading does automatic alterations and deletes of depending objects such as foreign keys (FK), 
views, and triggers. Sometimes very useful, sometimes very dangerous.. 

*The drop and truncate statements of a Table_1 (with PK and FK in Table_2, as decribed 
in **) can't be executed, because the ssdms prohibits that. To accomplish the truncation 
or dropping of a Table_1: first get rid of the FK in Table_2, by altering the table design, or 
by dropping table2. 



If you want to get rid of only records:當需要一個條件刪除 使用刪除,使用截斷當所有記錄可能會被刪除。當你想能夠回滾然後使用刪除。

If you want to get rid of the whole table,包括標題(帶有設置的列),然後選擇放置。

If you want to get rid of values and automatically the related objects(並且表中定義了級聯),使用delete。 (PS:在其他方言中,即使當表沒有設計級聯時,似乎也有辦法實現它,但據我所知t-sql/msss中沒有;但如果我錯了,請糾正我)

PS:如果你想alter or deletepreferences of a column,然後(在T-SQL方言)使用方法:


alter table tableX 
alter columnX datatypeX 


alter table tableX 
drop column columnX 

--And here's some code to play with 
--table to truncate, drop or delete 

create table TableX(
     [Name] [nchar](25) null, 
     [ID_Number] [int] not null) 

--tables with PK and FK 
create table Table_1(
     [Name] [nchar](25) null, 
     [ID_Number] [int] not null primary key) 

create table Table_2(
     [ID_Number] int not null foreign key references Table_1(ID_Number) on delete cascade, 
     [Buys] [int] null) 

--the on delete cascade make it happen that when a ID_Number is Table_1 is deleted, that row 
is automatically deleted in Table_2 too. But not the other way around, 
therefor alter the design of Table_1. 

insert into Table_1 (Name,ID_Number) values ('A',1),('B',2),('C',3); 
insert into Table_2 (ID_Number,Buys) values (1,10),(2,20),(3,30); 

select * from Table_1 
select * from Table_2 

truncate table table_2 
truncate table table_1 

drop table table_2 
drop table table_1 

delete Table_1 

delete from dbo.table_1 where name='A' 
delete from Table_1 where name like '%' 
delete from dbo.table_2 where ID_Number=2 

如果您添加級聯效果(在所有3種情況下),我會upvote! – jarlh


@jarlh:我會,如果我可以......對於當前的比較表,它是沒有意義的,因爲當添加一個主鍵'刪除級聯'下降和截斷不會工作。但讓我考慮一下。添加一些關於自動刪除子數據的可能性的信息不是一個壞主意! – cybork


依賴對象,如視圖,觸發器,外鍵(包括隱式索引) – jarlh