2015-04-02 75 views


8 errors found: 
File: /Users//Desktop/Migration/BookingGUI.java [line: 573] 
Error: /Users//Desktop/Migration/BookingGUI.java:573: cannot find symbol 
symbol : variable stakeholderExperience 
location: class BookingGUI 
File: /Users//Desktop/Migration/BookingGUI.java [line: 576] 
Error: /Users//Desktop/Migration/BookingGUI.java:576: cannot find symbol 
symbol : variable stakeholderExpertise 
location: class BookingGUI 


while(sc.hasNextLine()) { 
       str = sc.nextLine(); 
       // split line into parts by tab 
       parts = str.split("\t"); 
       // if all details of stakeholder are present 
       if(parts.length == 6) { 
        // get all details from parts string arrray of stakeholder 
        phone = Integer.parseInt(parts[0]); 
        stakeholderName = parts[1]; 
        stakeholderFamily = parts[2]; 
        stakeholderEmail = parts[3]; 
        stakeholder = null; 
        // if part of 4 string is not a dash then it is a 
        // stakeholder 
        if(parts[5] != "-") { 
         stakeholderProjectName = parts[5]; 
         stakeholder = new Client(phone, stakeholderName, 
          stakeholderFamily, stakeholderEmail, 
          stakeholderIndustry, stakeholderProjectName); 
        // else if part 5 is not a dash then it is a classical 
        // stakeholder 
        } else if(parts[6] != "-") { 
         stakeholderExperience = parts[6]; 
         stakeholder = new Developer(phone, stakeholderName, 
          stakeholderFamily, stakeholderEmail, 
          stakeholderExpertise, stakeholderExperience); 
        // else it is a general stakeholder 
        } else { 
         stakeholder = new Stakeholder(phone, stakeholderName, 
          stakeholderFamily, stakeholderEmail); 
        // add stakeholder to stakeholders model and also to stakeholders in 
        // teams panel 


'stakeholderExperience'變量未被聲明。 – 2015-04-02 10:36:38



/BookingGUI.java:573:找不到符號 符號:可變stakeholderExperience 位置:當編譯器找不到一個標識符這種類型的錯誤發生類BookingGUI



現貨,只需要新的眼睛:)謝謝 – EMJ 2015-04-02 11:06:44