2013-07-15 31 views



Dynamic type is not a contract-type: TestType[]


using System.IO; 
namespace QuickStart 
    class Program 
     static void Main() 

      var dto = new DataTransferType 
       ProtoDynamicProperty = new TestType[] 
        new TestType {UselessProperty="AAA"}, 
        new TestType{UselessProperty="BBB"}, 
        new TestType{UselessProperty="CCC"} 

      using (MemoryStream testStream = new MemoryStream()) 
       ProtoBuf.Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(testStream, dto, ProtoBuf.PrefixStyle.Base128); 

    struct TestType 
     public string UselessProperty { get; set; } 

    class DataTransferType 
     [ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(1, DynamicType = true)] 
     public object ProtoDynamicProperty { get; set; } 



剛走回答[這個問題] (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39208449/protobuf-net-how-to-serialize-complex-collection/39214319#39214319)我意識到我也知道這個老問題的答案,所以我繼續回答它,儘管它的年齡。 – dbc



你的困難進行了說明(雖然不是全部)通過DynamicType限制在former project site提到here爲protobuf網:

DynamicType - stores additional Type information with the type (by default it includes the AssemblyQualifiedName , although this can be controlled by the user). This makes it possible to serialize weak models, i.e. where object is used for property members, however currently this is limited to contract types (not primitives), and does not work for types with inheritance (these limitations may be removed at a later time). Like with AsReference , this uses a very different layout format.

那麼,究竟究竟是由合同類型?如前所述,原始類型不是合約類型,但是全部?從Protobuf-net: the unofficial manual: Forms of type serialization in protobuf-net

I would say there are five fundamental kinds of [de]serialization that protobuf-net supports on a type-by-type basis (not including primitive types):

  1. Normal serialization. In this mode, a standard protocol buffer is written, with one field in the protocol buffer for each field or property that you have marked with ProtoMember, or that has been auto-selected by ImplicitFields. ...

  2. Collection serialization. If protobuf-net identifies a particular data type as a collection, it is serialized using this mode. Thankfully, collection types do not need any ProtoContract or ProtoMember attributes, which means you can serialize types such as List and T[] easily...


    Protobuf-net serializes a collection using a "repeated" field (in protocol buffer lingo). Therefore, you should be able to safely change collection types between versions. For example, you can serialize a Foo[] and later deserialize it into a List.

因此,一個「契約型」的系列化對應於「正常序列」在這篇文章中 - 和收款都是合同類型。這解釋了Dynamic type is not a contract-type: TestType[]異常消息。


public abstract class TypedObjectSurrogate 
    protected TypedObjectSurrogate() { } 

    public abstract object ObjectValue { get; } 

    public static object CreateSurrogate<T>(T value) 
     if (value == null) 
      return new TypedObjectSurrogate<T>(); 
     var type = value.GetType(); 
     if (type == typeof(T)) 
      return new TypedObjectSurrogate<T>(value); 
     // Return actual type of subclass 
     return Activator.CreateInstance(typeof(TypedObjectSurrogate<>).MakeGenericType(type), value); 

public sealed class TypedObjectSurrogate<T> : TypedObjectSurrogate 
    public TypedObjectSurrogate() : base() { } 

    public TypedObjectSurrogate(T value) 
     : base() 
     this.Value = value; 

    public override object ObjectValue 
     get { return Value; } 

    public T Value { get; set; } 

class DataTransferType 
    public object ProtoDynamicProperty { get; set; } 

    [ProtoBuf.ProtoMember(1, DynamicType = true)] 
    object ProtoDynamicPropertySurrogate 
      if (ProtoDynamicProperty == null) 
       return null; 
      return TypedObjectSurrogate.CreateSurrogate(ProtoDynamicProperty); 
      if (value is TypedObjectSurrogate) 
       ProtoDynamicProperty = ((TypedObjectSurrogate)value).ObjectValue; 
       ProtoDynamicProperty = value; 

struct TestType 
    public string UselessProperty { get; set; } 