2015-07-10 22 views

哪裏Iam出錯?無論我做什麼它說String.replace空指針異常() 我想從文件替換一個Charecter並將改變的內容寫入其他文件..即使它很容易,我無法寫它。請幫助!字符串替換()給出空指針異常

package tinku; 
* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. 
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates 
* and open the template in the editor. 

import java.io.BufferedReader; 
import java.io.BufferedWriter; 
import java.io.DataOutputStream; 
import java.io.File; 
import java.io.FileNotFoundException; 
import java.io.FileOutputStream; 
import java.io.FileReader; 
import java.io.FileWriter; 
import java.io.IOException; 
import java.io.InputStreamReader; 
import java.io.LineNumberReader; 
import java.util.Scanner; 

* @author gajasurve 
public class Tinku { 
    static int i; 

    * @param args the command line arguments 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { 
     // TODO code application logic here 
     String str; 

     final String Y; 
     String Key; 
     FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("/home/gajasurve/Desktop/done2.txt"); 
     DataOutputStream output = new DataOutputStream(fos); 
     BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); 
     System.out.println("\n Enter Complete File Path with Extension (ex: /home/gajasurve/Desktop/info.txt) : "); 
     String Source; 
     System.out.print("Enter Key Element to Find In the File "); 
     File f= new File(Source); 
     LineNumberReader lr= new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(f)); 

       System.out.print("The Entered Key Element Can B Found In " + i + " Line"); 

     System.out.println("Do u wish to change the Key Element? Y|N"); 
     String Dec= r.readLine(); 
     switch (Dec) { 
      case "Y" :  
       System.out.print("Enter New Key Element to Replace"); 
       String d2; 
       d2 = r.readLine(); 
       str= str.replaceAll(Key, d2); //NPE here 




您可以通過運行圍繞replaceAll()代碼類似while循環修復它,或者你可以將一切,直到while循環內的replaceAll()方法調用。 (注:這將詢問您是否要替換Key的每次出現)


package tinku; 

* To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. 
* To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates 
* and open the template in the editor. 

import java.io.*; 

* @author gajasurve 
public class Tinku { 
    static int i; 

    * @param args the command line arguments 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { 
     // TODO code application logic here 
     String str; 

     final String Y; 
     String Key; 
     BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); 

     System.out.println("\n Enter Complete File Path with Extension (ex: /home/gajasurve/Desktop/info.txt) : "); 
     String Source; 
     Source = br.readLine(); 

     File f= new File(Source); 
     LineNumberReader lr= new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(f)); 

     System.out.print("Enter Key Element to Find In the File : "); 
     Key = br.readLine(); 

     while((str = lr.readLine()) != null) { 
      if(str.contains(Key)) { 
       i = lr.getLineNumber(); 
       System.out.println("The Entered Key Element Can B Found In " + i + " Line"); 


     System.out.println("Do u wish to change the Key Element? Y|N"); 
     String Dec= br.readLine(); 
     switch(Dec) { 
      case "Y" : { 
       System.out.print("Enter String to replace Key with : "); 
       String d2; 
       d2 = br.readLine(); 
       lr= new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(f)); 
       String outputFile = "/home/gajasurve/Desktop/done2.txt"; 
       PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(outputFile)); 

       while((str = lr.readLine()) != null) { 
        if(str.contains(Key)) { 
         pw.println(str.replaceAll(Key, d2)); 
        } else { 

那麼,怎樣才能解決呢? –


爲什麼不分配變量中的str值如果塊中的變量 – theRoot


編輯答案,接受答案,如果它解決了你的問題,否則添加你的疑問作爲評論。 我們不能只將'str'的​​值賦給一個變量,因爲可能有多個事件。我們需要一個列表來存儲它們。 – Codi