好吧,我要說,我不能再現你遇到的問題。但是,您提到錯誤實際發生在dataGridView1.CurrentCell = cell;
此外,你說你得到的錯誤是Index -1 does not have a value.
來源:SO Question 1
If you initially bind an empty collection that does not inform the DGV of changes (e.g. a Collection does not, but a BindingList does), the initial current row offset will be correctly set to -1, (Because it is empty.)
When you subsequently add objects to your data bound collection they will still display correctly on the grid, but the CurrencyManager will not be informed of any changes, and the current row offset will remain stubbornly at -1.
So, when you try to edit a row, the CurrencyManager thinks you are trying to edit a row at offset -1, and the exception is thrown.
To combat this, you need to rebind before interacting with a row, or initially bind a Collection etc when it contains one or more items.
SO Question 2
.NET Monster Question
此代碼運行時有什麼行數?是0嗎? – David 2011-04-03 21:02:10
RowCount = 1我在'dataGridView1.CurrentCell = cell; 'line – ErocM 2011-04-03 21:08:23