2014-03-07 21 views



一種選擇是將功能封裝到您可以擴展的類中。 如果你的圖形擴展了這樣一個類,那麼它們也變成了「可拖動的」。


int nb = 3; 
Box[] boxes = new Box[nb];//a list of draggable graphics, currently empty 

void setup(){ 
    for(int i = 0 ; i < nb; i++){ 
    boxes[i] = new Box();//populate the list with actual objects 
    boxes[i].x = 10+110*i;//and setup their coordinates 
    boxes[i].y = 100;//and dimenensions 
    boxes[i].w = boxes[i].h = 100; 
void draw(){ 
    for(int i = 0 ; i < nb; i++){ 
    boxes[i].update(mouseX,mouseY);//update the internal state(if it's over or not, calculate drag offset, etc.) 
    boxes[i].draw();//render each graphics element on screen 
void mouseDragged(){//if the mouse is dragged 
    for(int i = 0 ; i < nb; i++){//for each graphics element 
    if(boxes[i].isOver) {//if it's over 
     boxes[i].x = mouseX-boxes[i].offx;//than drag based on the mouse position 
     boxes[i].y = mouseY-boxes[i].offy;//but take te mouse offset in relation to each object into account 
class Draggable{//a generic draggable template with no graphics to display 
    float x,y,w,h,offx,offy;//position, dimensions and x,y offset to drag 
    boolean isOver;//is the cursor over the bounding box of this object ? 
    void update(int mx,int my){//let's work that out based on the mouse x and y coordinates 
    isOver = ((mx >= x && mx <= x+w) && (my >= y && my <= y+h));//if it's within bounds on x and y axis, then we're in the over state 
    if(isOver){//if we're in the over state we can also update the mouse drag offsets 
     offx = mx-x; 
     offy = my-y; 
class Box extends Draggable{ 
    void draw(){ 
    fill(isOver ? 127 : 255); 


int nb = 6; 
Draggable[] boxes = new Draggable[nb];//a list of draggable graphics, currently empty 

void setup(){ 
    for(int i = 0 ; i < nb; i++){ 
    boxes[i] = (random(1.0) > .5) ? new Box() : new Blob();//populate the list with actual objects 
    boxes[i].x = 10+110*i;//and setup their coordinates 
    boxes[i].y = 100;//and dimenensions 
    boxes[i].w = boxes[i].h = 100; 
void draw(){ 
    for(int i = 0 ; i < nb; i++){ 
    boxes[i].update(mouseX,mouseY);//update the internal state(if it's over or not, calculate drag offset, etc.) 
    boxes[i].draw();//render each graphics element on screen 
void mouseDragged(){//if the mouse is dragged 
    for(int i = 0 ; i < nb; i++){//for each graphics element 
    if(boxes[i].isOver) {//if it's over 
     boxes[i].x = mouseX-boxes[i].offx;//than drag based on the mouse position 
     boxes[i].y = mouseY-boxes[i].offy;//but take te mouse offset in relation to each object into account 
class Draggable{//a generic draggable template with no graphics to display 
    float x,y,w,h,offx,offy;//position, dimensions and x,y offset to drag 
    boolean isOver;//is the cursor over the bounding box of this object ? 
    void update(int mx,int my){//let's work that out based on the mouse x and y coordinates 
    isOver = ((mx >= x && mx <= x+w) && (my >= y && my <= y+h));//if it's within bounds on x and y axis, then we're in the over state 
    if(isOver){//if we're in the over state we can also update the mouse drag offsets 
     offx = mx-x; 
     offy = my-y; 
    void draw(){}//empty implementation to be overwritten by a subclass 
class Box extends Draggable{ 
    void draw(){ 
    fill(isOver ? 127 : 255); 
class Blob extends Draggable{ 
    void draw(){ 
    fill(isOver ? 127 : 255); 

這是一個如何實現這個想法,但有多種方式來實現這一點。 看看Processing OOP tutorial或更深入的Java OOP one 例如,上述可以使用接口或AbstractClass來實現。 這取決於你的目標和限制什麼是最好的解決方案。


非常感謝喬治。我有點希望已經有東西可用或者通過擴展來構建,但是對於你的文章,應該很容易做到。再次感謝。 – dorjeduck