/* Simple PHP BBCode Parser function */
//BBCode Parser function
function showBBcodes($text) {
// BBcode array
$find = array(
// HTML tags to replace BBcode
$replace = array(
'<span style="text-decoration:underline;">$1</span>',
'<span style="font-size:$1px;">$2</span>',
'<span style="color:$1;">$2</span>',
'<a href="$1">$1</a>',
'<img src="$1" alt="" />'
// Replacing the BBcodes with corresponding HTML tags
return preg_replace($find,$replace,$text);
// How to use the above function:
$bbtext = "This is [b]bold[/b] and this is [u]underlined[/u] and this is in [i]italics[/i] with a [color=red] red color[/color]";
$htmltext = showBBcodes($bbtext);
echo $htmltext;
http://snipplr.com/view/3618/ http://htmlpurifier.org/ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3810230/php-how-to-close-open-html- tag-in-a-string – honzahommer 2014-10-11 03:38:50