我是新手C++程序員,並且一直在嘗試使用SDL庫來處理2D圖形。我一直在嘗試創建一些簡單的GUI控件,然而,我的按鈕控制有一個奇怪的問題,我一直無法解決。Button類中的錯誤 - Windows觸發了一個斷點SDL
每當我啓動在調試模式下的Visual Studio程序馬上給我一個錯誤窗口說
這可能是由於腐敗堆,其指示在 Default_SDL_Setup.exe或任何它已加載的DLL的一個錯誤。
這也可能是由於用戶按F12而 Default_SDL_Setup.exe具有焦點。
#ifndef BUTTON_T
#define BUTTON_T
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "SDL.h"
#include "SDL_ttf.h"
#include "SDLFunctions.h"
class button
//refreshes the button
void refresh_image();
bool refresh;
//surface to hold the created text
SDL_Surface *message;
//color of text
SDL_Color tC;
//the different box types
struct boxColor
unsigned int r;
unsigned int g;
unsigned int b;
boxColor boxes[4];
SDL_Rect rects[4];
//font of text
TTF_Font *f;
/*button's state
* States are:
* 0 - mouseout
* 1 - mouseover
* 2 - mousedown
* 3 - mouseup
int state;
//autosize based off of text?
bool autoSize;
//size of text
int textSize;
//x,y,w,and h for the box
int x, y, w, h;
//text of the label
std::string text;
button(int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height);
//handles all events for the button
void handleEvents(SDL_Event *event);
//sets text's font style off of a string location, color expects a 3 dimensional array
void setFont(std::string fontFileLocation);
void setFont(int color[3]);
void setFont(std::string fontFileLocation, int color[3]);
//gets the text color as a vector
std::vector<int> textColor();
//returns the color of the specified box
std::vector<int> boxColor(int boxnum);
//sets the color of the specified box, expects a 3 dimensional array
void setBoxColor(int boxnum, int color[3]);
void render(SDL_Surface *screen);
#include "button.h"
using namespace std;
void button::refresh_image()
if (refresh)
if (f != NULL)
message = TTF_RenderText_Solid(f, text.c_str(), tC);
if ((message != NULL) && autoSize)
if (message->w >= w)
w = (message->w + 10);
if (message->h >= h)
h = (message->h + 10);
for (int i = 0; i != 4; ++i)
rects[i].x = x;
rects[i].y = y;
rects[i].w = w;
rects[i].h = h;
refresh = false;
button::button(int xpos, int ypos, int width, int height)
string defaultFontLocation = DEFAULT_FONT;
//set pos
x = xpos;
y = ypos;
w = width;
h = height;
//set text stuff
text = "";
tC.r = 0;
tC.g = 0;
tC.b = 0;
f = TTF_OpenFont(defaultFontLocation.c_str(), textSize);
message = NULL;
//create box types
state = 0;
for (int i = 0; i != 4; ++i)
boxes[i].r = 255;
boxes[i].g = 255;
boxes[i].b = 255;
rects[i].x = x;
rects[i].y = y;
rects[i].w = w;
rects[i].h = h;
autoSize = true;
refresh = true;
if (f != NULL)
if (message != NULL)
void button::setFont(string fontFileLocation)
if (f != NULL)
f = TTF_OpenFont(fontFileLocation.c_str(), textSize);
void button::setFont(int color[3])
tC.r = color[0];
tC.g = color[1];
tC.b = color[2];
void button::setFont(string fontFileLocation, int color[3])
if (f != NULL)
f = TTF_OpenFont(fontFileLocation.c_str(), textSize);
tC.r = color[0];
tC.g = color[1];
tC.b = color[2];
vector<int> button::textColor()
vector<int> colors;
colors[0] = tC.r;
colors[1] = tC.g;
colors[2] = tC.b;
return colors;
vector<int> button::boxColor(int boxnum)
vector<int> colors;
if ((boxnum <= 3) && (boxnum >= 0))
colors[0] = boxes[boxnum].r;
colors[1] = boxes[boxnum].g;
colors[2] = boxes[boxnum].b;
} else {
colors[0] = -1;
colors[1] = -1;
colors[2] = -1;
return colors;
void button::setBoxColor(int boxnum, int color[3])
if ((boxnum <= 3) && (boxnum >= 0))
boxes[boxnum].r = color[0];
boxes[boxnum].g = color[1];
boxes[boxnum].b = color[2];
void button::render(SDL_Surface *screen)
SDL_FillRect(screen, &rects[state], SDL_MapRGB(screen->format, static_cast<Uint8>(boxes[state].r), static_cast<Uint8>(boxes[state].g), static_cast<Uint8>(boxes[state].b)));
if (message != NULL)
apply_surface((((x + w) - message->w)/2), (((y + h) - message->h)/2), message, screen);
refresh = true;
void button::handleEvents(SDL_Event *event)
//the mouse offsets
int mx, my;
//if mouse moved
if (event->type == SDL_MOUSEMOTION)
//get the mouse offsets
mx = event->motion.x;
my = event->motion.y;
//if the mouse is over the button
if ((mx > x) && (mx < (x + w)) && (my > y) && (my < (y + h)))
//set the button sprite
state = 1;
} else {
//set the button sprite
state = 0;
//if a mouse button was pressed
if (event->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN)
//if it was the left mouse button
if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)
//get the mouse offsets
mx = event->motion.x;
my = event->motion.y;
//if the mouse is over the button
if ((mx > x) && (mx < (x + w)) && (my > y) && (my < (y + h)))
//set the button sprite
state = 2;
//if a mouse button was released
if (event->type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP)
//if it was the left mouse button
if (event->button.button == SDL_BUTTON_LEFT)
//get the mouse offsets
mx = event->motion.x;
my = event->motion.y;
//if the mouse is over the button
if ((mx > x) && (mx < (x + w)) && (my > y) && (my < (y + h)))
//set the button sprite
state = 3;
int color1[3] = {105,240,81};
int color2[3] = {230,188,62};
button testbutton(360, 130, 50, 30);
testbutton.text = "TEST";
testbutton.setBoxColor(1, color1);
testbutton.setBoxColor(2, color2);
delete[] &color1;
delete[] &color2;