我在WAS 6.1上運行的RAD 7.5上有一個web應用程序,它可以很好地工作。但是在到服務器上部署它引發以下錯誤:WAS 6.1上的EAR部署錯誤
Error 404: SRVE0203E: Servlet [MyApplication]: com.mypackage.requestprocessing.servlet.impl.ServletFrontController was found, but is missing another required class. SRVE0206E: This error typically implies that the servlet was originally compiled with classes which cannot be located by the server. SRVE0187E: Check your classpath to ensure that all classes required by the servlet are present. SRVE0210I: This problem can be debugged by recompiling the servlet using only the classes in the application's runtime classpath
嗯,它提供了一個選項,它可能意味着它所說的 - 你正在編譯更多的類,比你部署時更多。 –
在您的項目屬性中是否選擇了JRE Websphere 6.1和Target runtime作爲Websphere 6.1?請記住,WAS 6.1是JDK1.5和WAS 7是JDK1.6 – Brad