

func configureCell(post: Post) { 
    self.post = post 
    self.carImages = [] 

    if post.imageUrl1 != "" { 
    if post.imageUrl2 != ""{ 
    if post.imageUrl3 != "" { 
    if post.imageUrl4 != "" { 
    if post.imageUrl5 != "" { 
     print ("Tony: \(post.imageUrl5)") 
    if post.imageUrl6 != "" { 
    if post.imageUrl7 != "" { 
    if post.imageUrl8 != "" { 


import Foundation 
import Firebase 

class Post { 

private var _imageUrl1: String! 
private var _imageUrl2: String! 
private var _imageUrl3: String! 
private var _imageUrl4: String! 
private var _imageUrl5: String! 
private var _imageUrl6: String! 
private var _imageUrl7: String! 
private var _imageUrl8: String! 

private var _postKey: String! 
private var _postRef: DatabaseReference! 
private var _photoInfo1: String! 
private var _photoInfo2: String! 
private var _photoInfo3: String! 
private var _photoInfo4: String! 
private var _photoInfo5: String! 
private var _photoInfo6: String! 
private var _photoInfo7: String! 
private var _photoInfo8: String! 

var profileImageUrl: String { 
    return _profileImageUrl 

var imageUrl1: String { 
    return _imageUrl1 
var imageUrl2: String { 
    return _imageUrl2 
var imageUrl3: String { 
    return _imageUrl3 
var imageUrl4: String { 
    return _imageUrl4 
var imageUrl5: String { 
    return _imageUrl5 
var imageUrl6: String { 
    return _imageUrl6 
var imageUrl7: String { 
    return _imageUrl7 
var imageUrl8: String { 
    return _imageUrl8 

var postKey: String { 
    return _postKey 

var photoInfo1: String { 
    return _photoInfo1 
var photoInfo2: String { 
    return _photoInfo2 
var photoInfo3: String { 
    return _photoInfo3 
var photoInfo4: String { 
    return _photoInfo4 
var photoInfo5: String { 
    return _photoInfo5 
var photoInfo6: String { 
    return _photoInfo6 
var photoInfo7: String { 
    return _photoInfo7 
var photoInfo8: String { 
    return _photoInfo8 

init(imageUrl1: String, imageUrl2: String, imageUrl3: String, imageUrl4: String, imageUrl5: String, imageUrl6: String, imageUrl7: String, imageUrl8: String, photoInfo1: String, photoInfo2: String, photoInfo3: String, photoInfo4: String, photoInfo5: String, photoInfo6: String, photoInfo7: String, photoInfo8: String) { 

    self._imageUrl1 = imageUrl1 
    self._imageUrl2 = imageUrl2 
    self._imageUrl3 = imageUrl3 
    self._imageUrl4 = imageUrl4 
    self._imageUrl5 = imageUrl5 
    self._imageUrl6 = imageUrl6 
    self._imageUrl7 = imageUrl7 
    self._imageUrl8 = imageUrl8 

    self._photoInfo1 = photoInfo1 
    self._photoInfo2 = photoInfo2 
    self._photoInfo3 = photoInfo3 
    self._photoInfo4 = photoInfo4 
    self._photoInfo5 = photoInfo5 
    self._photoInfo6 = photoInfo6 
    self._photoInfo7 = photoInfo7 
    self._photoInfo8 = photoInfo8 


init(postKey: String, postData: Dictionary<String, AnyObject>) { 
    self._postKey = postKey 

    if let imageUrl1 = postData["imageUrl1"] as? String { 
     self._imageUrl1 = imageUrl1 
    if let imageUrl2 = postData["imageUrl2"] as? String { 
     self._imageUrl2 = imageUrl2 
    if let imageUrl3 = postData["imageUrl3"] as? String { 
     self._imageUrl3 = imageUrl3 
    if let imageUrl4 = postData["imageUrl4"] as? String { 
     self._imageUrl4 = imageUrl4 
    if let imageUrl5 = postData["imageUrl5"] as? String { 
     self._imageUrl5 = imageUrl5 
    if let imageUrl6 = postData["imageUrl6"] as? String { 
     self._imageUrl6 = imageUrl6 
    if let imageUrl7 = postData["imageUrl7"] as? String { 
     self._imageUrl7 = imageUrl7 
    if let imageUrl8 = postData["imageUrl8"] as? String { 
     self._imageUrl8 = imageUrl8 

    if let photoInfo1 = postData["photoInfo1"] as? String { 
     self._photoInfo1 = photoInfo1 
    if let photoInfo2 = postData["photoInfo2"] as? String { 
     self._photoInfo2 = photoInfo2 
    if let photoInfo3 = postData["photoInfo3"] as? String { 
     self._photoInfo3 = photoInfo3 
    if let photoInfo4 = postData["photoInfo4"] as? String { 
     self._photoInfo4 = photoInfo4 
    if let photoInfo5 = postData["photoInfo5"] as? String { 
     self._photoInfo5 = photoInfo5 
    if let photoInfo6 = postData["photoInfo6"] as? String { 
     self._photoInfo6 = photoInfo6 
    if let photoInfo7 = postData["photoInfo7"] as? String { 
     self._photoInfo7 = photoInfo7 
    if let photoInfo8 = postData["photoInfo8"] as? String { 
     self._photoInfo8 = photoInfo8 

    _postRef = DataService.ds.REF_POSTS.child(_postKey) 


Crash at 5th Image

Firebase Data


顯然_imageUrl5無效或無效,但包含在問題中的代碼沒有提供足夠的上下文。 _imageUrl5如何填充?您的Firebase代碼在哪裏?結構是什麼樣子? – Jay


感謝您的回覆@jay,imageUrl5未在此示例中填充,當用戶僅拍攝4張圖片時,它不會爲5號照片創建html地址,而只會在拍攝更多5張照片時創建一張。這是我需要解決的問題。如果Firebase沒有將imageUrl5填充到我的代碼中,那麼我如何檢查它是否存在,以便它不嘗試填充它。如果我嘗試使用,如果imageUrl5!=零,但我得到一個警告,非可選字符串檢查爲零將始終返回true。我更新了上面的代碼以顯示更多 –


如果您定義了需要的變量* private var _imageUrl1:String!*,那麼它永遠不會爲零。如果它是可選的* private var _imageUrl1:String?*那麼它可以並且可以以各種方式對零進行測試。 – Jay




我們有一個職位類的私人VAR這是一個答案可選 - 意味着它可以包含一個值或合作伙伴沒有。這是用字符串表示的?


class Post{ 
    private var _imageUrl1: String? 

    var imageUrl1: String? { 
     return _imageUrl1 

    init(url: String?) { //this could be nil! 
     self._imageUrl1 = url 

let aPost = Post(url: "testUrl") 

if aPost.imageUrl1 != nil { 

//or the preferred way which unwraps the optional automatically 
if let aPostUrl = aPost.imageUrl1 { 
} else { 
    print("it was nil") 

//here's a nil example 
let bPost = Post(url: nil) 
if let bPostUrl = bPost.imageUrl1 { 
} else { 
    print("it was nil") //prints it was nil 

謝謝@jay。有了你的第二條評論,我已經弄清楚了我正在使用!代替 ?但是我在添加第二個位置時遇到問題?這個錯誤讓我可以選擇在後期課堂上解開它,這顯然不會奏效。我非常感謝你在這方面的時間和耐心,這解決了一些額外的頭痛,我嘗試了一些東西,但這個指導幫助了很多,不僅解決了問題,而且你認爲我需要了解一些東西更多,這對我來說是無價的。非常感謝! –
