AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'nemitx' error and Keyerror?
class TwissGaussBeam(GaussBeam):
'''__init__(self, twiss, N=1000, pos=np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]),
Q=1e-9, chargesign=-1, restmass=ele_mass)
Create a multi-particle beam with a Gaussian spread in each of the
6 dimensions. The statistics of the beam distribution are calculated
from the Twiss parameters in twiss.'''
def __init__(self, twiss, N=100000, pos=np.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]),
Q=1e-12, chargesign=-1, restmass=ele_mass):
P = pos[5]
gammasquared = ((P*1e6)**2 + restmass**2)/restmass**2
betagamma = np.sqrt(gammasquared - 1)
sig = np.zeros(6)
sig[0] = np.sqrt((twiss.nemitx/betagamma) * twiss.betax)
sig[1] = np.sqrt((twiss.nemitx/betagamma)/twiss.betax)
sig[2] = np.sqrt((twiss.nemity/betagamma) * twiss.betay)
sig[3] = np.sqrt((twiss.nemity/betagamma)/twiss.betay)
sig[4] = twiss.sigz
sig[5] = twiss.sigP
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