2014-01-10 43 views


set theContentPath to POSIX path of (choose folder) 
    set toInstall to (theContentPath & "ToInstall/") 
    set inStalled to (theContentPath & "Installed/") 
    set theTemp to (theContentPath & "theTemp/") 
    do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of toInstall 
    do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of inStalled 
    do shell script "mkdir -p " & quoted form of theTemp 

    set theList to {"http://url1.pkg", 

    repeat with x from 1 to (count theList) 
     --display dialog item x of theList 
     set thisOne to item x of theList 
     getFileIfNeeded(thisOne, toInstall, theTemp) 
    end repeat 

    on getFileIfNeeded(theFileToGet, whereToSave, tempFiles) 
     set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/" 
     set theItems to text items of theFileToGet 
     set theFile to item 5 of theItems 
     set theFileCheck to whereToSave & theFile 
     set theURL to quoted form of theFileToGet 
     tell application "Finder" 
      if not (exists file theFileCheck) then 
       tell application "Terminal" 
        if (count of windows) is 0 then 
        end if 
        do script "cd " & quoted form of tempFiles & " ; curl -O " & theURL in front window 
        do script "mv " & quoted form of tempFiles & "*.pkg " & quoted form of whereToSave in front window 
       end tell 
      end if 
     end tell 
    end getFileIfNeeded 

嘗試添加以下set theFileCheck2 to (POSIX file theFileCheck) as string但結果不是我所期待的文件仍然得到的下載。


 on getFileIfNeeded(theFileToGet, whereToSave, tempFiles) 
      set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/" 
      set theItems to text items of theFileToGet 
      set theFile to item 5 of theItems 
      set theFileCheck to whereToSave & theFile 
      set theURL to quoted form of theFileToGet 
      tell application "Finder" 
       set theFileCheck2 to (POSIX file theFileCheck) as string 
       if not (exists file theFileCheck2) then 
        tell application "Terminal" 
         if (count of windows) is 0 then 
         end if 
         do script "cd " & quoted form of tempFiles & " ; curl -O " & theURL in front window 
         do script "mv " & quoted form of tempFiles & "*.pkg " & quoted form of whereToSave in front window 
        end tell 
       end if 
      end tell 
     end getFileIfNeeded 






on getFileIfNeeded(theFileToGet, whereToSave, tempFiles) 
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "/" 
    set theFile to the last text item of theFileToGet 
    set theFileCheck to whereToSave & theFile 
    set theURL to quoted form of theFileToGet 
    tell application "System Events" 
     if not (exists file theFileCheck) then 
      tell application "Terminal" 
       if (count of windows) is 0 then 
       end if 
       do script "cd " & quoted form of tempFiles & " ; curl -O " & theURL in front window 
       do script "mv " & quoted form of tempFiles & "*.pkg " & quoted form of whereToSave in front window 
      end tell 
     end if 
    end tell 
end getFileIfNeeded 

按預期工作。使用系統事件解決了另一個最近發現的Finder調用問題。所以謝謝你解釋這個轉變。 – davidt