2012-09-15 204 views




      .d1 { 
       background-color: #AAAAFF; 
       vertical-align: top; 
       margin-right: -75px; 
       display: inline-block; 
       width: 50%; 
       position: relative; 
       z-index: 0; 

      .d1 .cnt { 
       padding-right: 75px; 

      .d2 { 
       background-color: #AAFFAA; 
       vertical-align: top; 
       width: 150px; 
       display: inline-block; 
       position: relative; 
       z-index: 2; 

      .d3 { 
       background-color: #FFAAAA; 
       vertical-align: top; 
       margin-left: -75px; 
       display: inline-block; 
       width: 50%; 
       position: relative; 
       z-index: 1; 

      .d3 .cnt { 
       padding-left: 75px; 
     <div class="d1"><div class="cnt">I'm trying to create a layout with a fixed width div centered between two fluid divs. The configuration should fit within a Bootstrap row. How would I do this? Here's an illustration:</div></div><div class="d2">I'm trying to create a layout with a fixed width div centered between two fluid divs. The configuration should fit within a Bootstrap row. How would I do this? Here's an illustration:</div><div class="d3"><div class="cnt">I'm trying to create a layout with a fixed width div centered between two fluid divs. The configuration should fit within a Bootstrap row. How would I do this? Here's an illustration:</div></div> 
