我試圖適應真的很酷的WebGL的故事球,源代碼和css here。有一個大問題:一旦您點擊新聞文章,彈出窗口中的文章文本始終是相同的。我想修改代碼,這樣當你點擊一篇文章時,右邊的文本會出現在彈出窗口中。WebGL的故事球彈出式菜單
我從一組文章的文本,我在指定的代碼,例如工作var captions = ["good","better","best"]
// function code
var passvar = null; // failed attempt to store texts for later
function initialize() {
math = tdl.math;
fast = tdl.fast;
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
g_fpsTimer = new tdl.fps.FPSTimer();
canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", handleMouseDown, false);
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove, false);
canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", handleMouseUp, false);
// Create a canvas 2d for making textures with text.
g_canvas2d = document.createElement('canvas');
window.two2w = window.two2h = g_tilesize;
g_canvas2d.width = two2w;
g_canvas2d.height = two2h;
g_ctx2d = g_canvas2d.getContext("2d");
window.gl = wu.create3DContext(canvas);
if (g_debug) {
gl = wd.makeDebugContext(gl, undefined, LogGLCall);
//gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, gl.TRUE);
// Here is where I specify article titles, images, captions
// Titles and images populate the popup correctly, captions don't...
var titles = ["a","b","c"];
var captions = ["good","better","best"];
var images = ['imagesphere/assets/1.jpg',
var headlines = titles.concat(titles);
var blurbs = captions.concat(captions);
var tmpImages = [];
var tmpHeadlines = [];
var tmpCaptions = [];
// make a bunch of textures.
for (var ii = 0; ii < g_imagesDownGrid; ++ii) {
var textures = [];
for (var jj = 0; jj < g_imagesAcrossGrid; ++jj) {
var imgTexture = new ImgTexture();
if (tmpImages.length == 0) {
tmpImages = images.slice();
if (tmpHeadlines.length == 0) {
tmpHeadlines = headlines.slice();
if (tmpCaptions.length == 0) {
tmpCaptions = blurbs.slice();
var rando = math.randomInt(tmpImages.length);
var img = tmpImages.splice(rando, 1)[0];
var headline = tmpHeadlines.splice(rando, 1)[0];
var caption = tmpCaptions.splice(rando, 1)[0];
passvar = caption;
if (img.indexOf('videoplay.jpg') > -1){
window.vidtexture = imgTexture;
images = images.slice(1); // dont use that thumb again.
headlines = 'WebGL Brings Video To the Party as Well'
imgTexture.load(img, /* "[" + jj + "/" + ii + "]" + */ headline);
// And here's where I try to put this in a popup, finally
// But passvar, the stored article text, never refreshes!!!
<div id="story" class="prettybox" style="display:none">
<img class="close" src="imagesphere/assets/close.png">
<div id="storyinner">
<input id = "mytext">
<script>document.getElementById("mytext").value = passvar;</script>
function sphereClick(e){
window.console && console.log('click!', e, e.timeStamp);
var selected = g_textures[sel.y][sel.x];
window.selected = selected;
animateGL('eyeRadius', glProp('eyeRadius'), 4, 500);
var wwidth = $(window).width(),
wheight = $(window).height(),
story = $('#story').width(~~(wwidth/7 * 4)).height(~~(wheight/6 * 5)),
width = story.width(),
height = story.height(),
miniwidth = 30;
left : e.pageX,
top : e.pageY,
marginLeft : - width/2,
marginTop : - height/2
}).appendTo($body); // we remove and put back on the DOM to reset it to the correct position.
$('<style class="anim story">')
.text('.storyopen #story { left : ' + (wwidth/3 * 2) + 'px !important; top : ' + wheight/2 + 'px !important; }')
} // eo sphereClick()
非常感謝,這是非常有幫助的。我是新來的JavaScript。我將繼續努力做到這一點,但同時我的點擊處理程序已經發布。 – user1060859