這是我遇到的問題。我有一個CSV文件,我讀的是4381個小數,大部分在-5和5之間。他們的例子是0.00000822, -0.20929117, -2.204, 4.88490078
// gainLoss is the sum of all the numbers
BigDecimal gainLoss = new BigDecimal(0.0);
// data is a 2D Object array of all the data from the CSV file.
// The 2nd column in data is filled with BigDecimal objects
for (int i = 1; i < data.length; i++) // for each data row in data (excluding the header row)
// set rowAmt to the value of the number in the current row of the CSV file
BigDecimal rowAmt = (BigDecimal)data[i][2];
// add this row's value to gainLoss
gainLoss = gainLoss.add(rowAmt);
public static BigDecimal calcGainLoss(Object[][] data, Calendar startCal, Calendar endCal)
BigDecimal gainLoss = new BigDecimal("0.0");
for (int i = 1; i < data.length; i++) // for each data row in data
int lineNum = i + 1;
System.out.println("Line " + lineNum + ", i " + i + ": " + gainLoss.toString());
// Load the important values into memory
String rowType = (String)data[i][4];
BigDecimal rowAmt = (BigDecimal)data[i][2];
Calendar rowDate = (Calendar)data[i][1];
// Check if this row should be included in the calculations based on its row type
if (rowType.equalsIgnoreCase("cancel")) // if this was a cancelled transaction
continue; // move on to the next row
// Check if this row should be included in the calculations based on its date
boolean rowIsIncludedDate = false; // whether this row is within the given date range
if ((startCal == null) && (endCal == null)) // if no start or end date was given
rowIsIncludedDate = true;
else if ((startCal == null) && (!rowDate.after(endCal))) // if no start date was given and the current row's date is before or equal to the end date
rowIsIncludedDate = true;
else if ((endCal == null) && (!rowDate.before(startCal))) // if no end date was given and the current row's date is equal to or after the start date
rowIsIncludedDate = true;
else if ((!rowDate.before(startCal)) && (!rowDate.after(endCal))) // if both dates were given and the current row's date is equal to or after the start date and equal to or before the end date
rowIsIncludedDate = true;
if (!rowIsIncludedDate) // if this row should not be included in the calculation because its date is outside of the requested range
continue; // go on to the next row
// Add the current row's value to the current sum
gainLoss = gainLoss.add(rowAmt);
System.out.println("Adding " + rowAmt.toString());
return gainLoss;
你學到了通過你的代碼調試器步進什麼? –
我其實從來沒有嘗試過。我現在要做。 – cmasupra
或者通過插入打印輸出,以便在運行過程中觀察過程? (你確定你已經正確地填充了數據[] []嗎?) – keshlam