2011-07-27 33 views


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    <some code> 
    <more code> 


#include "mpi.h" 
#include <stdio.h> 

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
    int i, rb, rank, nprocs; 


    printf("Itartion %d. I am %d of %d. MPIBarrierRes: %d\n", i, rank, nprocs, rb); 
    return 0; 


Itartion 0. I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 0. I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 0. I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 1. I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 1. I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 1. I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 2. I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 2. I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 2. I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 3. I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 3. I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 3. I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 4. I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 4. I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 4. I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 


Itartion 0. I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 1. I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 2. I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 3. I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 4. I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 0. I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 1. I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 2. I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 3. I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 4. I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 0. I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 1. I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 2. I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 3. I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 4. I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 


Itartion 0. I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 0. I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 1. I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 0. I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 1. I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 2. I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 1. I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 2. I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 3. I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 2. I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 3. I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 4. I am 0 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 3. I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 4. I am 1 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 
Itartion 4. I am 2 of 3. MPIBarrierRes: 0 

任何人都可以告訴我,如果MPI_Barrier和循環之間有一些衝突嗎? (我只發現了警告,以避免在不同任務中使用不同大小的循環造成死鎖。) 如果有一個,我可以如何強制任務在開始循環的新迭代之前等待對方? 如果沒有,這個代碼有什麼問題?



您可以在printf語句下放置另一個MPI_Brier,並檢查問題是否存在? – FFox



它與你的循環無關。 MPI沒有暗示IO的序列化。如果您需要打印出來,您必須明確地將它們發送到一個等級,並在那裏打印出來。


謝謝!我添加了一些關於何時發送消息的信息,現在我可以看到它是如何工作的,儘管順序仍然是隨機的。我會嘗試你爲下一次測試建議的。 – josh