有人可以看一下stSQL字符串,並幫助我修復與UPDATE語句關聯的語法錯誤嗎?使用VBA中的UPDATE SQL語句更新Access數據庫
如果FileName UserForm值與Access Db中的FileName字段匹配,我想更新表1的字段。
Public Sub UpdateDatabaseEntry()
Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim stDB As String, stSQL As String, stProvider As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim Nickname As String
Dim RecipientName As String
Dim RecipientRelationship As String
Dim Summary As String
Dim Noteworthy As String
Dim PreparedBy As String
FileName = UserForm1.FileNameTextBox.Text
Nickname = UserForm1.NicknameTextBox.Text
RecipientName = UserForm1.RecipientNameTextBox.Text
RecipientRelationship = UserForm1.RecipientRelationshipComboBox.Text
Summary = UserForm1.SummaryTextBox.Text
Noteworthy = UserForm1.NoteworthyCheckBox.Value
PreparedBy = UserForm1.PreparedByTextBox.Text
stDB = "Data Source= E:\MyDb.accdb"
stProvider = "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0"
//Opening connection to database
With cn
.ConnectionString = stDB
.Provider = stProvider
End With
//SQL Statement telling database what to do
stSQL = "UPDATE Table1" & _
"SET Nickname= '" & Nickname & "', RecipientName= '" & RecipientName & "', " & _
"RecipientRelationship= '" & RecipientRelationship & "', Summary= '" & Summary & "', " & _
"Noteworthy= '" & Noteworthy & "', PreparedBy= '" & PreparedBy & "', " & _
"WHERE FileName= '" & FileName & "'"
cn.Execute stSQL
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Sub
一般來說,當你遇到這樣的問題時,只需在執行SQL之前執行'Debug.Print stSQL'即可。這樣,您可以在即時窗口中看到SQL的具體內容,並幫助您查找任何語法錯誤。 – Yawar