DLL::DLL(DLL& n) {
if (n.headPtr == NULL) {
headPtr = NULL;
else {
//keeps track of the last node in the list
Node* lastNode = NULL;
//keeps track of old list
Node* oldListNode = n.headPtr;
while (oldListNode != NULL) {
//create a new Node for new list until reaches end of old list
Node* newNode = new Node;
newNode->pred = NULL;
newNode->succ = NULL;
newNode->ssn = oldListNode->ssn;
newNode->name = oldListNode->name;
//add newNode to new List
if (headPtr == NULL) { //new list is empty
headPtr = newNode;
lastNode = headPtr;
else {
//adds new node to the end of the list
lastNode->succ = newNode;
newNode->pred = lastNode;
lastNode = newNode;
//Goes to the next node in the old list;
oldListNode = oldListNode->succ;
//now puts all information from old list into new list
itemCount = n.itemCount;
if (n.headPtr == NULL) {
headPtr = NULL;
else {
if (n.itemCount > 0) {
cout << "in while loop, ";
Node *origList = n.headPtr; //pointer accessing old node's data
Node *secondHeadPtr = new Node; //second hptr for new ll
Node *currNode = secondHeadPtr; // points to second ll node that will be filled
Node *nextNode; //going to point to added node
while (currNode != NULL) {
cout << "in while loop, ";
nextNode = new Node; //next node, currnode to point to
currNode->ssn = origList->ssn;
currNode->name = origList->name;
currNode->succ = nextNode; //create beginning of second ll, next node
nextNode->pred = currNode;
currNode = currNode->succ;
origList = origList->succ;
cout << currNode->name << " " << currNode->ssn << " ";
#include <string>
using namespace std;
struct Node {
string ssn;
string name;
Node* succ;
Node* pred;
class DLL {
Node* headPtr;
int itemCount;
DLL(DLL& n);
virtual ~DLL();
Node* getHeadPtr();
int search(string ss) const;
bool insert(string ss, string name, int & count);
bool remove(string ss, int & count);
int size();
void display();
#include "DLL.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main() {
DLL myList;
int counter = 0;
int dCounter = 0;
myList.insert("30", "Jack Eblin", counter);
myList.insert("40", "Liz Smith", counter);
myList.insert("10", "Mike Dutter", counter);
myList.insert("20", "Kitty Lekberg", counter);
myList.insert("50", "Carma Meshew", counter);
cout << "After insertion, we should have 10 20 30 40 50 in order" << endl;
cout << "Searching 30 in the list, result should be 2" << endl;
cout << myList.search("30") << endl;
myList.remove("10", dCounter);
myList.remove("50", dCounter);
cout << "After deletion, we should have 20 30 40 in order" << endl;
cout << "Testing copy constructor" << endl;
DLL* temp = new DLL(myList);
cout << "Contents of the original list" << endl;
cout << "Contents of the new list, the memory address of the this list must be different from the\
original list" << endl;
if (myList.getHeadPtr() != nullptr) {
return 0;
你的拷貝構造函數實際上應該採用'const DLL&'參數。 –
嘗試調試它。 「某處」不是很有幫助。 – 2016-04-08 17:50:59
不一致的縮進和較差的代碼質量是同伴。您需要學習更加勤奮的代碼,並且格式將自動改進。 – IInspectable