所以我有一個類Take連接到mysql。在那個類中,我有一個方法來調用一個查詢來從MySQL表中獲取最後一條記錄。 public void Balance()
string query = "SELECT balance FROM history ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 ";
if (this.OpenConnection() ==
我一直在嘗試構建一個android應用程序。我試圖將「mobile_num」存儲在數據庫中。我正在使用GET方法發送數據。但是,client.connect()不會工作。我竭盡全力糾正它,發現錯誤,但是我所有的嘗試都失敗了。我想就糾正錯誤的方法提出一些建議。 代碼: 公共類Mobile_num擴展AppCompatActivity { /**
* ATTENTION: This was auto
更新:問題隔離 - React的react-rails和npm版本不同 - 修復自己的答案 使用在軌道上軌5 - 反應,得到這樣的警告: Replacing React-rendered children with a new root component. If you
intended to update the children of this node, you should inste
I am trying to create API in bluemix using Connect and Compose catalog.In which I am trying to connect on-premise SAP system, here I am giving system details. But when I am passing System number I am