從命令行構建時xcodebuild會失敗。這是我總是得到的錯誤: Code Sign error: No matching provisioning profile found: Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID 「XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX」, howev
我有一個帶有視圖的開關,比如'switch_view'。我需要將其更改爲自動化測試。我該怎麼做呢?我的工作目前是: def switch(switch_view)
# Get the value of the switch
switch_state = (frankly_map(switch_view, 'isON')).first
switch_state[0] =
處理彈出窗口我有這樣的測試案例 功能:登錄該應用 情景:成功登錄 Given ....................
When ....................
And A popup menu is displayed with the with the message "Please enter ......"
Then I press the "En
我已經寫了一個特徵和一個步驟的定義。但是,黃瓜不能識別步驟定義。 my_first.feature Feature:
As an iOS developer
I want to have a sample feature file
So I can see what my next step is in the wonderful world of Frank/Cuc
所以,我有以下的日期選取器查看: 這是連接到Date of Birth細胞: 現在,在我的弗蘭克測試中,我想移動翻轉杯,然後在文本框中反映最終值。我做了以下操作: dateValue = "04.11.2002"
dateParts = dateVale.split('.')
for i in 2.downto(0) do