我今天不得不無關括號添加到while條件,以避免PEP8投訴: while not found and not something and \
(time_left is None or time_left > 0):
(one, two, three, four) = self.gimme(timeout=time_left)
我的解決辦法: while (not fou
def teste():
resp=raw_input("Quer fazer o teste: ")
while resp=='s':
dim=input("Qual o tamanho do tabuleiro: ")
x=input("Qual a posicao x da peca: ")
y=input("Qual a posicao y
有人可以解釋爲什麼我收到此錯誤嗎? from netCDF4 import Dataset
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
datapath = r"C:\Users\matth\Downloads\MYD04_L2_v6.0_110E1