我有一個Android應用程序,用戶可以喜歡和不同的圖像。我使用recyclerView.I只需禁用按鈕(像/不像)一旦用戶點擊。問題,當我點擊喜歡按鈕,該應用程序轉到主要活動和按鈕等也不會改變不像我做了什麼: 1) layout that holds the each recycler view layout item
2) A view holder for creating each l
SELECT title
FROM team
title LIKE '%la fontaine e%' OR
MATCH(title, title_fr, summary, seo_keyword, seo_description) AGAINST('(+la +fontaine +e) (la fontaine e)' IN BOOLEAN MODE)
我在寫一個VBA程序。 我有一列 For j = 0 To 4
For i = 2 To lastrow
If Cells(i, 12).Value = groupnames(j) And Cells(i, 8).Value Like "*" & "[BLOCKED]" & "*" Then
groupsum(j) = groupsum(j) + 1
我想和得到查詢像,並嘗試這樣的: let name = "pp" //apple
let db = openDB()
do {
var queryString = "select * from products where name like '%?%' and deleted = 0 order by id desc"
let rs = try db.exe