我想創建動態謂詞,以便它可以對一個列表用於過濾 public class Feature
public string Color{get;set;}
public string Weight{get;set;}
我希望能夠創建一個動態謂詞以便List可以被過濾。我作爲字符串值「>」,「<」,「> =」等幾個條件。有沒有辦法我可以做到這一點? public Pre
只使用這些謂詞..... child(X) X is a child
unwell(X,Y) X is unwell on day Y
location(X,Y,Z) Location of X on day Y is Z (school, park, home)
sunny(X) X is a sunny day
Generally, children do not go t
我想有以下API的方法: //get all users with a role of admin
var users = myRepository.GetUsers(u => u.Role == Role.Admin);
請問像這樣的工作? IList<User> GetUsers(Func<User, bool> predicate)
var users = Get