我有一堆句子,我需要解析並轉換爲相應的正則表達式搜索代碼。我的句子的例子 - LINE_CONTAINS phrase one BEFORE {phrase2 AND phrase3} AND LINE_STARTSWITH Therefore we - 這意味着該行,phrase one來 phrase2和phrase3在什麼地方。此外,該行必須以Therefore we LINE_CONTAI
我想用pyparsing編寫一個解析所有字符串包含特殊單詞的程序。我寫了下面的代碼,但它不工作: from pyparsing import *
word = Word(alphas)
sentence = OneOrMore(word)
day = Literal("day")
sentence_end_with_happy = sentence + day + sentence
我有以下的語法和測試案例: from pyparsing import Word, nums, Forward, Suppress, OneOrMore, Group
#A grammar for a simple class of regular expressions
number = Word(nums)('number')
lparen = Suppress('(')