def boba_recs(lat, lng):
f1 = pd.read_csv("./boba_final.csv")
user_loc = Point(lng, lat) # converts user lat/long to point object
# makes dataframe of distances between each boba place and the user loc
f1['Distance'] = [user_loc.distance(Point(xy)) for xy in zip(f1.Longitude, f1.Lat)]
# grabs the three smallest distances
boba = f1.nsmallest(3, 'Distance').set_index('Name') # sets index to name
return(": " + boba['Address'])
Coco Bubble Tea : 129 E 45th St New York, NY 10017
Gong Cha : 75 W 38th St, New York, NY 10018
Smoocha Tea & Juice Bar : 315 5th Ave New York, NY 10016
Name: Address, dtype: object
是的,我試過這個,但它仍然有dtype:object部分。 – lc2958
當你返回一個'pd.Series'時,它會在你的屏幕上顯示''__repr__'方法返回的字符串。作爲描述的一部分,該方法被編寫爲在末尾返回'dtype'。我對你的問題是,你想要返回格式正確的字符串嗎?或者你想返回一個熊貓系列對象?如果你想要熊貓系列對象,那麼你將不得不忍受描述中的'dtype'。 – piRSquared
正確格式化字符串,它並不一定是一系列 – lc2958