2014-07-15 33 views

在我最近的項目中,我似乎碰到了一堵牆,涉及圖像上的波紋/波紋。我製作了一個可以在完美的網格上使用基本顏色的作品;哎呀,我甚至根據波浪的高度爲顏色添加了陰影。請使用「Hugo Elias」算法生成波浪! Java

但是,我的總體目標是使這種效果在圖像上工作,就像您會看到here一樣。我正在使用一種算法,人們稱之爲Hugo Elias方法(儘管idk如果他真的想出了這個設計)。他的教程可以找到here



所以我不能真正做出一個小的可編譯版本並顯示問題,但我會給出我在算法中使用的三種方法。另請注意,buffer1和buffer2是wave(current和previous)的高度貼圖,imgArray是一個由int [img.getWidth()* img.getHeight()]表示的bufferedImage,其中包含ARGB值。


public class WaveRippleAlgorithmOnImage extends JPanel implements Runnable, MouseListener, MouseMotionListener 
    private int[] buffer1; 
    private int[] buffer2; 

    private int[] imgArray; 
    private int[] movedImgArray; 

    private static double dampening = 0.96; 
    private BufferedImage img; 

    public WaveRippleAlgorithmOnImage(BufferedImage img) 
     this.img = img; 

     imgArray = new int[img.getHeight()*img.getWidth()]; 
     movedImgArray = new int[img.getHeight()*img.getWidth()]; 

     imgArray = img.getRGB(0, 0, 
       img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), 
       null, 0, img.getWidth()); 

     //OLD CODE 
     /*for(int y = 0; y < img.getHeight(); y++) 
      for(int x = 0; x < img.getWidth(); x++) 
       imgArray[y][x] = temp[0 + (y-0)*img.getWidth() + (x-0)]; 

     buffer1 = new int[img.getHeight()*img.getWidth()]; 
     buffer2 = new int[img.getHeight()*img.getWidth()]; 

     buffer1[buffer1.length/2] = (img.getWidth() <= img.getHeight() ? img.getWidth()/3 : img.getHeight()/3); 
     //buffer1[25][25] = 10; 

     back = new BufferedImage(img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB); 



    //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Used Methods"> 
    public void run() 

    //Called from Thread to update movedImgArray prior to being drawn. 
    private void update() 
     //This is my attempt of trying to convert his code to java. 
     for (int i=img.getWidth(); i < imgArray.length - 1; i++) 
      if(i % img.getWidth() == 0 || i >= imgArray.length - img.getWidth()) 

      buffer2[i] = (
          buffer1[i+img.getWidth()]) >> 1)) - buffer2[i]; 

      buffer2[i] -= (buffer2[i] >> 5); 

     //Still my version of his code, because of the int[] instead of int[][]. 
     for (int y = 1; y < img.getHeight() - 2; y++) 
      for(int x = 1; x < img.getWidth() - 2; x++) 
       int xOffset = buffer1[((y)*img.getWidth()) + (x-1)] - buffer1[((y)*img.getWidth()) + (x+1)]; 
       int yOffset = buffer1[((y-1)*img.getWidth()) + (x)] - buffer1[((y+1)*img.getWidth()) + (x)]; 

       int shading = xOffset; 

       //Here is where the error occurs (after a click or wave started), because yOffset becomes -512; which in turn gets 
       //multiplied by y... Not good... -_- 
       movedImgArray[(y*img.getWidth()) + x] = imgArray[((y+yOffset)*img.getWidth()) + (x+xOffset)] + shading; 

     //This is my OLD code that kidna worked... 
     //I threw in here to show you how I was doing it before I switched to images. 
     for(int y = 1; y < img.getHeight() - 1; y++) 
      for(int x = 1; x < img.getWidth() - 1; x++) 
       //buffer2[y][x] = ((buffer1[y][x-1] + 
       //buffer1[y][x+1] + 
       //buffer1[y+1][x] + 
       //buffer1[y-1][x])/4) - buffer2[y][x]; 
       buffer2[y][x] = ((buffer1[y][x-1] + 
         buffer1[y][x+1] + 
         buffer1[y+1][x] + 
         buffer1[y-1][x] + 
         buffer1[y + 1][x-1] + 
         buffer1[y + 1][x+1] + 
         buffer1[y - 1][x - 1] + 
         buffer1[y - 1][x + 1])/4) - buffer2[y][x]; 

       buffer2[y][x] = (int)(buffer2[y][x] * dampening); 

    //Swaps buffers 
    private void swap() 
     int[] temp; 

     temp = buffer2; 
     buffer2 = buffer1; 
     buffer1 = temp; 

    //This creates a wave upon clicking. It also is where that 512 is coming from. 
    //512 was about right in my OLD code shown above, but helps to cause the Exeception now. 
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) 
     if(e.getX() > 0 && e.getY() > 0 && e.getX() < img.getWidth() && e.getY() < img.getHeight()) 
      buffer2[((e.getY())*img.getWidth()) + (e.getX())] = 512; 

    private BufferedImage back; 
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) 

     back.setRGB(0, 0, img.getWidth(), img.getHeight(), movedImgArray, 0, img.getWidth()); 
     g.drawImage(back, 0, 0, null); 



enter image description here enter image description here


你想縮小你的代碼和問題嗎? –


就像我說過的,我確實盡力縮小範圍以符合SSCCE指南,但實際上我只是想更好地理解如何實現其算法的圖像部分。 我只放置了我認爲對修復它很重要的方法。 ^ _^ –


+1不幸的是,這篇優秀的文章已不再可用,希望我已經將它保存下來,但我沒有。正是通過這個算法,我意識到並實現了我自己的樸素模糊算法(思考速度高於高斯),然後繼續發現「可分離的3遍盒模糊」 - 一種比高斯快得多的方法。 – Nolo




for every pixel (x,y) in the buffer 

    Xoffset = buffer(x-1, y) - buffer(x+1, y) 
    Yoffset = buffer(x, y-1) - buffer(x, y+1) 

    Shading = Xoffset 

    t = texture(x+Xoffset, y+Yoffset) // Array out of bounds? 

    p = t + Shading 

    plot pixel at (x,y) with colour p 

end loop 


int clamp(int x, int min, int max) 
    if (x < min) return min; 
    if (x > max) return max; 
    return x; 

int wrap(int x, int min, int max) 
    while (x<min) 
     x += (1+max-min); 

    while (x>max) 
     x -= (1+max-min); 

    return x; 

for every pixel (x,y) in the buffer 

    Xoffset = buffer(x-1, y) - buffer(x+1, y) 
    Yoffset = buffer(x, y-1) - buffer(x, y+1) 

    Shading = Xoffset 

    Xoffset >>= 1        // Halve the amount of refraction 
    Yoffset >>= 1        // if you want. 

    Xcoordinate = clamp(x+Xoffset, 0, Xmax) // Use clamp() or wrap() here 
    Ycoordinate = clamp(y+Yoffset, 0, Ymax) // 
    t = texture(Xcoordinate, Ycoordinate) 

    p = t + Shading 

    plot pixel at (x,y) with colour p 

end loop