函數,but compared to support APIs,這樣做有點涉及sparklyr
sc <- spark_connect("local[*]")
df <- data.frame(A = c("a", "b", "c"), B = c(1, 3, 5), C = c(2, 4, 6))
sdf <- copy_to(sc, df, overwrite =TRUE)
#' Given name, return corresponding SQL function
sqlf <- function(f) function(x, ...) {
invoke_static(sc, "org.apache.spark.sql.functions", f, x, ...)
#' @param df tbl_spark
#' @param sc spark_connection
#' @param id_vars id columns
melt <- function(df, sc, id_vars, value_vars = NULL,
var_name = "key", value_name = "value") {
# Alias for the output view
alias <- paste(deparse(substitute(df)), stri_rand_strings(1, 10), sep = "_")
# Get session and JVM object
spark <- spark_session(sc)
jdf <- spark_dataframe(df)
# Convert characters to JVM Columns
j_id_vars <- lapply(id_vars, sqlf("col"))
# Combine columns into array<struct<key,value>> and explode
exploded <- sqlf("explode")(sqlf("array")(lapply(value_vars, function(x) {
key <- sqlf("lit")(x) %>% invoke("alias", var_name)
value <- sqlf("col")(x) %>% invoke("alias", value_name)
sqlf("struct")(list(key, value))
# expand struct<..., struct<key, value>> into struct<..., key, value>
exprs <- lapply(
c(id_vars, paste("col", c(var_name, value_name), sep = ".")),
# Explode and register as temp table
jdf %>%
invoke("withColumn", "col", exploded) %>%
invoke("select", exprs) %>%
invoke("createOrReplaceTempView", alias)
dplyr::tbl(sc, alias)
melt(sdf, sc, "A", c("B", "C"))
## Source: query [6 x 3]
## Database: spark connection master=local[*] app=sparklyr local=TRUE
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
## A key value
## <chr> <chr> <dbl>
## 1 a B 1
## 2 a C 2
## 3 b B 3
## 4 b C 4
## 5 c B 5
## 6 c C 6
1000萬行和多少列? – Uwe
46列在數據集中。理想情況下,我可以爲客戶信息製作一張表格,然後再製作一張表格用於使用 – Zafar