2013-10-27 24 views

我目前正在玩弄ILNumerics API並開始繪製立方體中的幾個點。然後,我通過這些觀點計算了一個迴歸平面。 現在我想繪製在同一場景圖中的飛機,但只有與點雲相同的尺寸。我得到了平面的參數(a,b,c):f(x,y)= a * x + b * y + c; 我知道只有z對繪製飛機很有意思,但我不知道如何將正確的座標傳遞到場景,以使平面尺寸與點的最大和最小面積大小相同。ILNumerics在特定位置繪製一架飛機



 private void ilPanel1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) 
      // get the X and Y bounds and calculate Z with parameters 

      // plot it! 
      var scene = new ILScene { 
       new ILPlotCube(twoDMode: false) { 
       new ILSurface(???) { 

      // view angle etc 
      scene.First<ILPlotCube>().Rotation = Matrix4.Rotation(
      new Vector3(1f, 0.23f, 1), 0.7f); 

     ilPanel1.Scene = scene; 

我希望有人能幫助我... 謝謝!








private void ilPanel1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { 
    // 3 arbitrary points 
    float[,] A = new float[3, 3] { 
     { 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f }, 
     { 2.0f, 2.0f, 4.0f }, 
     { 2.0f, -2.0f, 2.0f } 
    // construct a new plotcube and plot the points 
    var scene = new ILScene { 
     new ILPlotCube(twoDMode: false) { 
      new ILPoints { 
       Positions = A, 
       Size = 4, 
    // Plane equation: this is derived from the concrete example points. In your 
    // real world app you will have to adopt the weights a,b and c to your points. 
    Func<float, float, float> zEval = (x, y) => { 
     float a = 1, b = 0.5f, c = 1; 
     return a * x + b * y + c; 
    // find bounding box of the plot contents 
    var limits = scene.First<ILPlotCube>().Plots.Limits; 

    // Construct the surface/plane to draw 
    // The 'plane' will be a surface constructed from a 2x2 mesh only. 
    // The x/y coordinates of the corners/grid points of the surface are taken from 
    // the limits of the plots /points. The corresponding Z coordinates are computed 
    // by the zEval function. So we give the ILSurface constructor not only Z coordinates 
    // as 2x2 matrix - but an Z,X,Y Array of size 2x2x3 
    ILArray<float> P = ILMath.zeros<float>(2, 2, 3); 
    Vector3 min = limits.Min, max = limits.Max; 
    P[":;:;1"] = new float[,] { { min.X, min.X }, { max.X, max.X } }; 
    P[":;:;2"] = new float[,] { { max.Y, min.Y }, { max.Y, min.Y } }; 
    P[":;:;0"] = new float[,] { 
     { zEval(min.X, max.Y) , zEval(min.X, min.Y) }, 
     { zEval(max.X, max.Y) , zEval(max.X, min.Y) }, 
    // create the surface, make it semitransparent and modify the colormap 
    scene.First<ILPlotCube>().Add(new ILSurface(P) { 
     Alpha = 0.6f, 
     Colormap = Colormaps.Prism 
    // give the scene to the panel 
    ilPanel1.Scene = scene; 


Plane Through Points with ILNumerics

@ EDIT2:你問,如何禁用情節立方體的自動縮放,同時將表面:

// before adding the surface: 
var plotCube = scene.First<ILPlotCube>(); 
plotCube.AutoScaleOnAdd = false; 




plotCube.AllowZoom = false; // disables the mouse wheel zoom 
plotCube.MouseDoubleClick += (_,arg) => { 
     arg.Cancel = true;  // disable the double click - resetting for the plot cube 

我會很感激的例子。 ..我知道如何繪製點,但我仍然不知道如何將正確的數組傳遞給ILSurface()方法......我用簡單的數據嘗試過它,但它從來沒有按照我想要的方式工作。在Matlab中,我需要生成x和y座標,如x = -1:0.01:1等,z只需要上面的公式和x和y範圍座標。你介意給一個簡單的例子嗎? – GeoGecco


由於您只想繪製一個平面,因此到曲面的數據將僅爲2x2x3:每個2x2切片將給出Z,X和Y(按此順序)的4個座標值。文件在這裏找到:http://ilnumerics.net/surface-plots.html –


對不起Haymo,但我不明白。爲什麼我需要每個座標軸有4個座標?那就是說我需要在ona數組中有3個2x2切片?類似於{{z z},{z z},{x x},{x x},{y y},{y y}}那對我沒有任何意義= D對不起。對我來說就像這樣:{{minRangeX maxRangeX},{minRangeY maxRangeY},{Z(XY)}}會有道理......你有一個12個座標的小例子嗎?對於annoying你很抱歉:D – GeoGecco