//get object from db
$resp= json_decode($ln->getResponseFromDb($resultid));
//run pwf analysis function
$resp = $ln->pwfBGCheck($resp);
//show result after pwf
/* shows
* stdClass Object ([status] => p [reason] => Person has no c record.)
//copy to another variable
$r2 = $resp;
//run pwf for s record other variable so it is not touching the first one!
$r2 = $ln->pwfBGCheckSexOffender2($r2);
echo '<BR>this is first variable<BR>';
/* copies from second to first for some reason... no pass by reference on this call... resp variable has not been touched!
* stdClass Object ([status] => p [reason] => Person has no s record.)
echo '<BR>this is second<BR>';
/* returns
* stdClass Object ([status] => p [reason] => Person has no s record.)
但是,當我使用clone關鍵字'$ r2 = clone $ resp;'時,我仍然得到相同的結果,這非常有幫助。 –
「克隆」僅爲克隆當前對象。如果你想克隆屬性對象,你必須定義'__clone'方法:this - > _ property_object = clone $ this - > _ property_object;開啓這個例子:http://us1.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.cloning.php#example-224 – sectus