2013-05-10 108 views


class State { 

    public synchronized read() { 

    public synchronized write(ResourceManager rm) { 

    public synchronized returnResource() { 

State st1 = new State(); 
State st2 = new State(); 
State st3 = new State(); 

class ResourceManager { 
    public syncronized request() { 
     st2 = findIdleState(); 
     return st2.returnResource(); 

ResourceManager globalRM = new ResourceManager(); 







Thread1: st1.write() 
Thread1: st1.write() invokes globalRM.request() 
Thread2: st2.write() 
Thread1: globalRM.request() tries to invoke st2.returnResource(), but gets blocked because Thread2 is holding a lock on st2. 
Thread2: st2.write() tries to invoke globalRM.request(), but gets blocked because globalRM's lock is with Thread1 

Thread3: st2.read(), gets blocked. 



爲什麼在狀態中同步寫入方法時,它所做的就是在本身同步的ResourceManager上調用readRequest?由於您的簡化,是否有代碼缺失可能證明這一點? – cmbaxter 2013-05-10 12:46:00







2.)使用有序鎖定 - 這意味着無論何時您必須獲得兩個或更多鎖定,請確保它們的獲取順序相同。這樣做容易得多,可能需要對代碼庫進行大量更改。







* Helper class that implements a set-like data structure 
* with atomic add/remove capability. 
* Iteration occurs always on a current snapshot, thus 
* the iterator will not support remove, but also never 
* throw ConcurrentModificationException. 
* Iteration and reading the set is cheap, altering the set 
* is expensive. 
public final class AtomicArraySet<T> extends AbstractSet<T> { 

    protected final AtomicReference<Object[]> reference = 
     new AtomicReference<Object[]>(Primitives.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY); 

    public AtomicArraySet() { 

    * Checks if the set contains the element. 
    public boolean contains(final Object object) { 
     final Object[] array = reference.get(); 
     for (final Object element : array) { 
      if (element.equals(object)) 
       return true; 
     return false; 

    * Adds an element to the set. Returns true if the element was added. 
    * If element is NULL or already in the set, no change is made to the 
    * set and false is returned. 
    public boolean add(final T element) { 
     if (element == null) 
      return false; 
     while (true) { 
      final Object[] expect = reference.get(); 
      final int length = expect.length; 
      // determine if element is already in set 
      for (int i=length-1; i>=0; --i) { 
       if (expect[i].equals(element)) 
        return false; 
      final Object[] update = new Object[length + 1]; 
      System.arraycopy(expect, 0, update, 0, length); 
      update[length] = element; 
      if (reference.compareAndSet(expect, update)) 
       return true; 

    * Adds all the given elements to the set. 
    * Semantically this is the same a calling add() repeatedly, 
    * but the whole operation is made atomic. 
    public boolean addAll(final Collection<? extends T> collection) { 
     if (collection == null || collection.isEmpty()) 
      return false; 
     while (true) { 
      boolean modified = false; 
      final Object[] expect = reference.get(); 
      int length = expect.length; 
      Object[] temp = new Object[collection.size() + length]; 
      System.arraycopy(expect, 0, temp, 0, length); 
ELoop:  for (final Object element : collection) { 
       if (element == null) 
       for (int i=0; i<length; ++i) { 
        if (element.equals(temp[i])) { 
         modified |= temp[i] != element; 
         temp[i] = element; 
         continue ELoop; 
       temp[length++] = element; 
       modified = true; 
      // check if content did not change 
      if (!modified) 
       return false; 
      final Object[] update; 
      if (temp.length == length) { 
       update = temp; 
      } else { 
       update = new Object[length]; 
       System.arraycopy(temp, 0, update, 0, length); 
      if (reference.compareAndSet(expect, update)) 
       return true; 

    * Removes an element from the set. Returns true if the element was removed. 
    * If element is NULL not in the set, no change is made to the set and 
    * false is returned. 
    public boolean remove(final Object element) { 
     if (element == null) 
      return false; 
     while (true) { 
      final Object[] expect = reference.get(); 
      final int length = expect.length; 
      int i = length; 
      while (--i >= 0) { 
       if (expect[i].equals(element)) 
      if (i < 0) 
       return false; 
      final Object[] update; 
      if (length == 1) { 
       update = Primitives.EMPTY_OBJECT_ARRAY; 
      } else { 
       update = new Object[length - 1]; 
       System.arraycopy(expect, 0, update, 0, i); 
       System.arraycopy(expect, i+1, update, i, length - i - 1); 
      if (reference.compareAndSet(expect, update)) 
       return true; 

    * Removes all entries from the set. 
    public void clear() { 

    * Gets an estimation how many elements are in the set. 
    * (its an estimation as it only returns the current size 
    * and that may change at any time). 
    public int size() { 
     return reference.get().length; 

    public boolean isEmpty() { 
     return reference.get().length <= 0; 

    public Iterator<T> iterator() { 
     final Object[] array = reference.get(); 
     return (Iterator<T>) ArrayIterator.get(array); 

    public Object[] toArray() { 
     final Object[] array = reference.get(); 
     return Primitives.cloneArray(array); 

    public <U extends Object> U[] toArray(final U[] array) { 
     final Object[] content = reference.get(); 
     final int length = content.length; 
     if (array.length < length) { 
      // Make a new array of a's runtime type, but my contents: 
      return (U[]) Arrays.copyOf(content, length, array.getClass()); 
     System.arraycopy(content, 0, array, 0, length); 
     if (array.length > length) 
      array[length] = null; 
     return array; 


謝謝!可伸縮性是一個問題,因爲此代碼是爲高併發性設計的大數據系統的一部分。而且我沒有合理的方法可以考慮訂購鎖定。感謝您的建議#3和#4。我正在考慮這些方面。比上面給出的片段有更多的上下文給予,但細節形成了一個更大的故事,我想讓我的問題儘可能簡單。然而,該項目本身是開源的,代碼如下:http://is.gd/TJ56Pc和http://is.gd/oWbUC1,如果你想看看。 – 2013-05-11 02:46:14


看起來很複雜。就我所看到的代碼來看,你的鎖衝突來自於DatasetMemoryManager和ResultState互相調用,並且都有大量亂七八糟的同步塊。首先想到的是檢查是否可以確保任何ResultState實例一次只發布給一個線程,這樣就不需要任何鎖定。 DatasetMemoryManager可能被重寫爲僅依賴於AtomicReferences而沒有任何同步,問題是在每次修改時重複其整個狀態的代價是多麼昂貴? – Durandal 2013-05-13 13:45:16


另外DatasetMemoryManager可以(應該?)重構爲多個類,LastRecentlyUsedList可以完全分解出來。而不是我會使用ArrayList或簡單的數組,當列表被更改時,便宜地複製。至少該部分將很容易被重寫爲無鎖。我高度懷疑DatasetManager.updateReference是一個潛在的併發問題,因爲它現在(它可以訪問resultPartitionNodesMap而不需要獲取保護它的鎖)。 – Durandal 2013-05-13 13:52:48