2016-03-11 34 views



10001  | 3 
10002  | 33 
10003  | 51 
10004  | 101 
10005  | 4 
10006  | 30 
10007  | 36 
10008  | 8 
10009  | 22 
10010  | 74 
20001  | 24 
20002  | 13 
20003  | 0 
20004  | 62 
20005  | 21 
20006  | 22 
30001  | 59 
30002  | 7 
30003  | 18 
30004  | 44 
30005  | 28 
30006  | 106 
30007  | 23 
30008  | 8 
30009  | 29 
30010  | 7 
30011  | 20 
30012  | 24 
30013  | 55 
30014  | 15 
30015  | 64 
30016  | 15 
30017  | 13 
30018  | 34 
30019  | 44 
30020  | 39 


10002  || 4 
10004  || 6 
10008  || 2 
10010  || 3 
10010  || 3 
10007  || 10 
20003  || 4 
20003  || 7 
30019  || 1 
30020  || 9 
10004  || 9 
10006  || 7 
20005  || 5 
30004  || 10 
20004  || 2 
30002  || 7 
30013  || 6 
20005  || 5 
30006  || 1 
30006  || 7 
30007  || 2 
30012  || 10 
30015  || 7 
30015  || 3 
10001  || 5 
20001  || 8 
30007  || 3 
30014  || 3 
30015  || 6 
30016  || 2 
10001  || 8 
10003  || 8 
10007  || 5 
10007  || 8 
20005  || 6 
20006  || 10 
30003  || 4 
30011  || 7 
30014  || 7 
30016  || 5 
20003  || 1 
30003  || 4 
30010  || 5 
30011  || 8 
30012  || 1 
30014  || 9 
30016  || 4 
30018  || 5 
10006  || 1 
10010  || 9 
20005  || 5 
30001  || 1 
30004  || 9 
30007  || 5 
30009  || 1 
30014  || 6 
30016  || 5 
30016  || 2 
30020  || 8 
10004  || 3 
10004  || 7 
10008  || 2 
20001  || 4 
20003  || 7 
20004  || 6 
20006  || 2 
30001  || 1 
30003  || 7 
30004  || 1 
30004  || 10 
30005  || 2 
30006  || 7 
30017  || 10 
30018  || 2 
30004  || 6 
10009  || 9 
10009  || 7 
10010  || 10 
20005  || 3 
30002  || 1 
30004  || 2 
30004  || 8 
30013  || 3 
30019  || 3 
10004  || 10 
10007  || 5 
30001  || 7 
30003  || 6 
30006  || 2 
30006  || 3 
30007  || 2 
30013  || 8 
30016  || 8 
10003  || 6 
10004  || 9 
10004  || 2 
10006  || 8 
10010  || 1 
20003  || 9 
20003  || 10 
30001  || 8 
30002  || 1 
30013  || 5 
30015  || 7 
30018  || 1 
30019  || 10 
30020  || 9 
10008  || 1 
10009  || 3 
20004  || 10 
30010  || 7 
30012  || 9 
30014  || 7 
30017  || 4 
20004  || 5 
30005  || 8 
30010  || 7 
30011  || 1 
10004  || 9 
10004  || 4 
10006  || 5 
10010  || 7 
20001  || 3 
20003  || 2 
20004  || 7 
30004  || 8 
30010  || 2 
30012  || 5 
30019  || 8 
30020  || 1 
10008  || 7 
30001  || 9 
30003  || 10 
30003  || 8 
30006  || 5 
30008  || 10 
30009  || 7 
30009  || 8 
30015  || 9 
30017  || 9 
30018  || 7 
30020  || 1 
10001  || 7 
10002  || 10 
10003  || 3 
10005  || 4 
10010  || 4 
20001  || 4 
20002  || 1 
20005  || 5 
30006  || 9 
30006  || 6 
10003  || 7 
10003  || 4 
10004  || 6 
10009  || 6 
20002  || 6 
20004  || 3 
20005  || 3 
30001  || 9 
30005  || 2 
30006  || 10 
30008  || 6 
30009  || 6 
30011  || 10 
30013  || 8 
30013  || 3 
30013  || 5 
30015  || 1 
30019  || 10 
10002  || 6 
10004  || 7 
10006  || 3 
10006  || 2 
20002  || 6 
20004  || 7 
20004  || 7 
30005  || 4 
30006  || 8 
30007  || 3 
30008  || 6 
30009  || 8 
30014  || 5 
30015  || 10 
30015  || 9 
30018  || 3 
30019  || 2 
30019  || 9 
30020  || 1 
10006  || 10 
20003  || 2 
30001  || 3 
30005  || 5 
30012  || 5 
30015  || 5 
30015  || 3 
30016  || 2 
30019  || 8 
30019  || 5 


  int i = 0;//counter for rows in sales data 
     int k = 0;//counter for rows in inventory 
     while(i < sale.length){//while not end of sale data array 
      if(inv [k][0] == sale[i][0]{//if the product ids are the same 
       if(inv[k][1] < sale[i][1]){//if the inventory is less than the units to be sold 
        i = 0;//go back to beginning of sale data 
        if(k < inv.length){ //while not end of inventory array 
         k++;//move to next inventory item 
       if((inv[k][1] > sale[i][1]) && (inv[k][1] > 0)){//if there is enough inventory 
        inv[k][1] = inv[k][1] - sale[i][1];//subtract units from inventory 
        i++;//move to next sales item 
       i++;//move to next sales item 


10001  | 3 
10002  | 13 
10003  | 51 
10004  | 101 
10005  | 4 
10006  | 30 
10007  | 36 
10008  | 8 
10009  | 22 
10010  | 74 
20001  | 24 
20002  | 13 
20003  | 0 
20004  | 62 
20005  | 21 
20006  | 22 
30001  | 59 
30002  | 7 
30003  | 18 
30004  | 44 
30005  | 28 
30006  | 106 
30007  | 23 
30008  | 8 
30009  | 29 
30010  | 7 
30011  | 20 
30012  | 24 
30013  | 55 
30014  | 15 
30015  | 64 
30016  | 15 
30017  | 13 
30018  | 34 
30019  | 44 
30020  | 39 






在您的具體情況下,第10001項的第一筆銷售量比您的要多。所以它移動到項目10002.但是項目10002有33個,但是你只能出售其中的20個。你完成循環,沒有得到inv[k][1] < sale[i][1]


  • 逐個瀏覽庫存數組。
  • 對於每個庫存商品,搜索該商品的所有銷售的銷售數組,並根據需要從庫存中減去,直到用完庫存。




現在,你的問題:你的循環的邏輯有一個問題。 @RealSkeptic在他的回答中指出了缺陷。如果您按照productId對銷售數據進行排序,則可以大大簡化您的解決方案。您可以按使用Comparator(改編自this answer)2-d數組:

Arrays.sort(sale, new Comparator<Integer[]>() { 
     public int compare(final Integer[] entry1, final Integer[] entry2) { 
      final Integer v1 = entry1[0]; 
      final Integer v2 = entry2[0]; 
      return v1.compareTo(v2); 


int i = 0; //inventory id 
    for(int k=0; k < sale.length; k++){ 
     if(inv[k][0] == sale[i][0]){ //if product Ids match 
      if(inv[k][1] >= sale[i][1]){ //if there's enough inventory 
       inv[k][1] -= sale[i][1]; //subtract units from inventory 
     } else { //no more sales for this productId 
      i++; //move to next item in the inventory 


final HashMap<Integer,Integer> inv = initInventory(); 
final int[][] sale = initSalesData(); 

//process the sales data 
for(int i = 0; i < sale.length; i++){ //for each sale 
    final int saleProductId = sale[i][0]; //get the sale productId 
    final int saleQty = sale[i][1]; // get the sale quantity 
    final Integer qty = inv.get(saleProductId); //get the inventory quantity 
    if(qty != null && qty >= saleQty){ //if productId is valid and inventory has sufficient quantity 
     inv.put(saleProductId, qty-saleQty); //update inventory quantity 


import java.util.HashMap; 

public class InventoryExample { 

    public static void main(String[] args) { 

     final HashMap<Integer,Integer> inv = initInventory(); 
     final int[][] sale = initSalesData(); 

     //process the sales data 
     for(int i = 0; i < sale.length; i++){ //for each sale 
      final int saleProductId = sale[i][0]; //get the sale productId 
      final int saleQty = sale[i][1]; // get the sale quantity 
      final Integer qty = inv.get(saleProductId); //get the inventory quantity 
      if(qty != null && qty >= saleQty){ //if productId is valid and inventory has sufficient quantity 
       inv.put(saleProductId, qty-saleQty); //update inventory quantity 

     //print results 
     for(int productId:inv.keySet()){ 
      System.out.println(productId+" | "+inv.get(productId)); 


    private static HashMap<Integer, Integer> initInventory() { 
     final HashMap<Integer, Integer> inv = new HashMap<>(); 
     inv.put(10001, 3); 
     inv.put(10002, 33); 
     inv.put(10003, 51); 
     inv.put(10004, 101); 
     inv.put(10005, 4); 
     inv.put(10006, 30); 
     inv.put(10007, 36); 
     inv.put(10008, 8); 
     inv.put(10009, 22); 
     inv.put(10010, 74); 
     inv.put(20001, 24); 
     inv.put(20002, 13); 
     inv.put(20003, 0); 
     inv.put(20004, 62); 
     inv.put(20005, 21); 
     inv.put(20006, 22); 
     inv.put(30001, 59); 
     inv.put(30002, 7); 
     inv.put(30003, 18); 
     inv.put(30004, 44); 
     inv.put(30005, 28); 
     inv.put(30006, 106); 
     inv.put(30007, 23); 
     inv.put(30008, 8); 
     inv.put(30009, 29); 
     inv.put(30010, 7); 
     inv.put(30011, 20); 
     inv.put(30012, 24); 
     inv.put(30013, 55); 
     inv.put(30014, 15); 
     inv.put(30015, 64); 
     inv.put(30016, 15); 
     inv.put(30017, 13); 
     inv.put(30018, 34); 
     inv.put(30019, 44); 
     inv.put(30020, 39); 
     return inv; 

    private static int[][] initSalesData() { 
     return new int[][] { 
      {10002, 4}, 
      {10004, 6}, 
      {10008, 2}, 
      {10010, 3}, 
      {10010, 3}, 
      {10007, 10}, 
      {20003, 4}, 
      {20003, 7}, 
      {30019, 1}, 
      {30020, 9}, 
      {10004, 9}, 
      {10006, 7}, 
      {20005, 5}, 
      {30004, 10}, 
      {20004, 2}, 
      {30002, 7}, 
      {30013, 6}, 
      {20005, 5}, 
      {30006, 1}, 
      {30006, 7}, 
      {30007, 2}, 
      {30012, 10}, 
      {30015, 7}, 
      {30015, 3}, 
      {10001, 5}, 
      {20001, 8}, 
      {30007, 3}, 
      {30014, 3}, 
      {30015, 6}, 
      {30016, 2}, 
      {10001, 8}, 
      {10003, 8}, 
      {10007, 5}, 
      {10007, 8}, 
      {20005, 6}, 
      {20006, 10}, 
      {30003, 4}, 
      {30011, 7}, 
      {30014, 7}, 
      {30016, 5}, 
      {20003, 1}, 
      {30003, 4}, 
      {30010, 5}, 
      {30011, 8}, 
      {30012, 1}, 
      {30014, 9}, 
      {30016, 4}, 
      {30018, 5}, 
      {10006, 1}, 
      {10010, 9}, 
      {20005, 5}, 
      {30001, 1}, 
      {30004, 9}, 
      {30007, 5}, 
      {30009, 1}, 
      {30014, 6}, 
      {30016, 5}, 
      {30016, 2}, 
      {30020, 8}, 
      {10004, 3}, 
      {10004, 7}, 
      {10008, 2}, 
      {20001, 4}, 
      {20003, 7}, 
      {20004, 6}, 
      {20006, 2}, 
      {30001, 1}, 
      {30003, 7}, 
      {30004, 1}, 
      {30004, 10}, 
      {30005, 2}, 
      {30006, 7}, 
      {30017, 10}, 
      {30018, 2}, 
      {30004, 6}, 
      {10009, 9}, 
      {10009, 7}, 
      {10010, 10}, 
      {20005, 3}, 
      {30002, 1}, 
      {30004, 2}, 
      {30004, 8}, 
      {30013, 3}, 
      {30019, 3}, 
      {10004, 10}, 
      {10007, 5}, 
      {30001, 7}, 
      {30003, 6}, 
      {30006, 2}, 
      {30006, 3}, 
      {30007, 2}, 
      {30013, 8}, 
      {30016, 8}, 
      {10003, 6}, 
      {10004, 9}, 
      {10004, 2}, 
      {10006, 8}, 
      {10010, 1}, 
      {20003, 9}, 
      {20003, 10}, 
      {30001, 8}, 
      {30002, 1}, 
      {30013, 5}, 
      {30015, 7}, 
      {30018, 1}, 
      {30019, 10}, 
      {30020, 9}, 
      {10008, 1}, 
      {10009, 3}, 
      {20004, 10}, 
      {30010, 7}, 
      {30012, 9}, 
      {30014, 7}, 
      {30017, 4}, 
      {20004, 5}, 
      {30005, 8}, 
      {30010, 7}, 
      {30011, 1}, 
      {10004, 9}, 
      {10004, 4}, 
      {10006, 5}, 
      {10010, 7}, 
      {20001, 3}, 
      {20003, 2}, 
      {20004, 7}, 
      {30004, 8}, 
      {30010, 2}, 
      {30012, 5}, 
      {30019, 8}, 
      {30020, 1}, 
      {10008, 7}, 
      {30001, 9}, 
      {30003, 10}, 
      {30003, 8}, 
      {30006, 5}, 
      {30008, 10}, 
      {30009, 7}, 
      {30009, 8}, 
      {30015, 9}, 
      {30017, 9}, 
      {30018, 7}, 
      {30020, 1}, 
      {10001, 7}, 
      {10002, 10}, 
      {10003, 3}, 
      {10005, 4}, 
      {10010, 4}, 
      {20001, 4}, 
      {20002, 1}, 
      {20005, 5}, 
      {30006, 9}, 
      {30006, 6}, 
      {10003, 7}, 
      {10003, 4}, 
      {10004, 6}, 
      {10009, 6}, 
      {20002, 6}, 
      {20004, 3}, 
      {20005, 3}, 
      {30001, 9}, 
      {30005, 2}, 
      {30006, 10}, 
      {30008, 6}, 
      {30009, 6}, 
      {30011, 10}, 
      {30013, 8}, 
      {30013, 3}, 
      {30013, 5}, 
      {30015, 1}, 
      {30019, 10}, 
      {10002, 6}, 
      {10004, 7}, 
      {10006, 3}, 
      {10006, 2}, 
      {20002, 6}, 
      {20004, 7}, 
      {20004, 7}, 
      {30005, 4}, 
      {30006, 8}, 
      {30007, 3}, 
      {30008, 6}, 
      {30009, 8}, 
      {30014, 5}, 
      {30015, 10}, 
      {30015, 9}, 
      {30018, 3}, 
      {30019, 2}, 
      {30019, 9}, 
      {30020, 1}, 
      {10006, 10}, 
      {20003, 2}, 
      {30001, 3}, 
      {30005, 5}, 
      {30012, 5}, 
      {30015, 5}, 
      {30015, 3}, 
      {30016, 2}, 
      {30019, 8}, 
      {30019, 5} 



10001 | 3 
10002 | 13 
10003 | 23 
10004 | 29 
10005 | 0 
10006 | 4 
10007 | 8 
10008 | 3 
10009 | 3 
10010 | 37 
20001 | 5 
20002 | 0 
20003 | 0 
20004 | 15 
20005 | 0 
20006 | 10 
30001 | 21 
30002 | 0 
30003 | 3 
30004 | 6 
30005 | 7 
30006 | 48 
30007 | 8 
30008 | 2 
30009 | 7 
30010 | 0 
30011 | 4 
30012 | 4 
30013 | 17 
30014 | 0 
30015 | 4 
30016 | 0 
30017 | 3 
30018 | 16 
30019 | 1 
30020 | 10 

對不起,不澄清,但我不排序讀取銷售數據順序,因此,如果庫存小於銷售的單位,即使庫存不是0,那麼我必須轉移到下一個產品ID。因此,我必須遍歷銷售數據陣列,直到相同產品ID的庫存小於銷售量,轉到下一個庫存項目,然後再次從銷售數據數組的開始處開始。 – KenS2016


我已根據您的評論更新了我的答案。 –
