給定一個包含N個元素的數組,我正在尋找M(M < N)個連續的子數組,其長度相同例如,如果N = 12且M = 4,則所有子陣列將具有相等的N/M = 3的長度。如果N = 100且M = 12,則我期望長度爲8和9的子陣列,以及兩種尺寸應該均勻分佈在原始陣列內。這個簡單的任務變得有點微妙的實施。我想出了Bresenham's line algorithm的適配,編碼在C時,看起來像這樣++:用於將數組細分爲「半等號」,統一子數組的算法
/// The function suggests how an array with num_data-items can be
/// subdivided into successively arranged groups (intervals) with
/// equal or "similar" length. The number of intervals is specified
/// by the parameter num_intervals. The result is stored into an array
/// with (num_data + 1) items, each of which indicates the start-index of
/// an interval, the last additional index being a sentinel item which
/// contains the value num_data.
/// Example:
/// Input: num_data ........... 14,
/// num_intervals ...... 4
/// Result: result_start_idx ... [ 0, 3, 7, 10, 14 ]
void create_uniform_intervals(const size_t num_data,
const size_t num_intervals,
std::vector<size_t>& result_start_idx)
const size_t avg_interval_len = num_data/num_intervals;
const size_t last_interval_len = num_data % num_intervals;
// establish the new size of the result vector
result_start_idx.resize(num_intervals + 1L);
// write the pivot value at the end:
result_start_idx[ num_intervals ] = num_data;
size_t offset = 0L; // current offset
// use Bresenham's line algorithm to distribute
// last_interval_len over num_intervals:
intptr_t error = num_intervals/2;
for(size_t i = 0L; i < num_intervals; i++)
result_start_idx[ i ] = offset;
offset += avg_interval_len;
error -= last_interval_len;
if(error < 0)
error += num_intervals;
} // if
} // for
此代碼計算間隔長度爲N = 100,M = 12:8 9 8 8 9 8 8 9 8 8 9 8
- 是否有其他算法來完成這樣的任務?
- 他們叫什麼名字?如果我知道其他應用領域,也許會出現這些名字。
簡單而好!謝謝! –
應該指出,我在問題中給出的實現有一個額外的「特徵」:間隔長度相對於數組中間是「對稱的」。對於例子N = 100,M = 12,得到:8 9 8 8 9 8 8 9 8 8 9 8 –