,你想服務器接收ASCII \00
(這將是0x5c,爲0x30,的0x30),而是服務器報告它接收ASCII \5c00
(這將是0x5c, 0x,35,0x43,0x30,0x30)。
void LogDump(unsigned char* input, int expectedLength)
char buffer[100];
int idx, bfdx;
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
bfdx = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < expectedLength && bfdx < sizeof(buffer); idx++)
//if it is a printable character, print as is
if (input[idx] > 31 && input[idx] < 127)
buffer[bfdx++] = (char) input[idx];
//if we are almost out of buffer space, show that we are truncating
// the results with a ~ character and break. Note we are leaving 5 bytes
// because we expand non-printable characters like "<121>"
if (bfdx + 5 > sizeof(buffer))
buffer[bfdx++] = '~';
//if we make it here, then we have a non-printable character, so we'll show
// the value inside of "<>" to visually denote it is a numeric representation
sprintf(&buffer[bfdx], "<%d>", (int) input[idx]);
//advance bfdx to the next 0 in buffer. It will be at least 3...
bfdx += 3;
//... but for 2 and 3 digit numbers, it will be more.
while (buffer[bfdx] > 0)
//I like to surround my LOG_PRINTF statements with short waits because if there
// is a crash in the program directly after this call, the LOG_PRINTF will not
// finish writing to the serial port and that can make it look like this LOG_PRINTF
// never executed which can make it look like the problem is elsewhere
LOG_PRINTF(("%s", buffer));
data[0] = 0x30;
//actually, I'd probably use either the decimal value: data[0] = 48;
// or I'd use the ASCII value: data[0] = '0';
// depending on what this data actually represents, either of those is
// likely to be more clear to whomever has to read the code later.
// However, that's your call to make.
data[1] = 0x60;
data[2] = 0x60;
data[3] = 0x20;
data[4] = 0x15;
data[5] = 0x35;
data[6] = 0x35;
data[7] = 0x08;
data[8] = 0x5C; // This is the '\'
data[9] = 0x48; // The first '0'
data[10]= 0x48; // The second '0'
data[11]= 0;
//for starters, you may want to stop here and see what you get on the other side
向我們展示相關的部分代碼的。 – 2015-02-10 11:32:31
也許服務器正在接收'\',但將其打印爲'\ 5c'? – 2015-02-10 11:43:35
這是我想向服務器發送與它的頭,但是當我要打印\ 00我有\ 5C00數據:\t \t \t的sprintf(數據,「%s%s%S%S%s%S% S%S%S%S%S%S%S 「 」\ X30 \ X60 \ X60 \ X20 \ X15 \ X35 \ X35「, 」\ X08「, 」\\ 00「, 」\ x0x00「,」 \ X01 \ X30 \ X30 \ X30 \ X30 \ XC0 \ X30 \ X30 \ X30 \ X30" , 「\ X97」, 「\\ 00」, 「\ X30 \ X30」, 「\ X00 \ X00 \ X01 \ X00」 「\ X02」,idTerminal,idCommercant, 「\ X20 \ X20 \ X20 \ XA4 \ XBC」); – knk 2015-02-10 13:18:34