INFO: Creating FileDataModel for file /tmp/taste.bookcrossing.
INFO: Reading file info...
INFO: Read lines: 433647
INFO: Processed 10000 users
INFO: Processed 20000 users
INFO: Processed 30000 users
INFO: Processed 40000 users
INFO: Processed 50000 users
INFO: Processed 60000 users
INFO: Processed 70000 users
INFO: Processed 77799 users
INFO: Beginning evaluation using 0.9 of BookCrossingDataModel
INFO: Processed 10000 users
INFO: Processed 20000 users
INFO: Processed 22090 users
INFO: Beginning evaluation of 4245 users
INFO: Starting timing of 4245 tasks in 2 threads
INFO: Average time per recommendation: 296ms
INFO: Approximate memory used: 115MB/167MB
INFO: Unable to recommend in 1 cases
INFO: Average time per recommendation: 67ms
INFO: Approximate memory used: 107MB/167MB
INFO: Unable to recommend in 2363 cases
INFO: Average time per recommendation: 72ms
INFO: Approximate memory used: 146MB/167MB
INFO: Unable to recommend in 5095 cases
INFO: Average time per recommendation: 71ms
INFO: Approximate memory used: 113MB/167MB
INFO: Unable to recommend in 7596 cases
INFO: Average time per recommendation: 71ms
INFO: Approximate memory used: 130MB/167MB
INFO: Unable to recommend in 10896 cases
INFO: Evaluation result: 1.0895580110095793
RecommenderIRStatsEvaluator evaluator = new GenericRecommenderIRStatsEvaluator();
File ratingsFile = TasteOptionParser.getRatings(args);
DataModel model =
ratingsFile == null ? new BookCrossingDataModel(true) : new BookCrossingDataModel(ratingsFile, true);
IRStatistics evaluation = evaluator.evaluate(
new BookCrossingBooleanRecommenderBuilder(),
new BookCrossingDataModelBuilder(),
啊,很酷。那麼我很明顯對這個例子期望過高。 –
是的,這是看錯的地方。在第17頁的示例中,建議最簡單。 –