2015-11-19 15 views
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() 

Dim i As Integer, n As Integer, inc As Integer, results() As Integer 
Dim text As String 

n = 100 

inc = InputBox("Please enter increment") 

ReDim results(0 To n) As Integer 

For i = 1 To n Step 1 

results(i) = inc + i 

text = results(i) 

Next i 

MsgBox (text) 

End Sub 

實際上,我試圖將它全部顯示在一條消息中,如「1,2,3,4,5,6 .....」 – codenoob


更改text = ... line to Text = Text&「,」&results(i)' –


幫助,謝謝! – codenoob




Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() 

Dim i As Integer, n As Integer, inc As Integer, results() As Integer 
Dim text As String 

n = 100 

inc = InputBox("Please enter increment") 

ReDim results(0 To n) As Integer 

For i = 1 To n Step 1 

results(i) = inc + i 

Next i 

text = Join(results, ",") 
MsgBox text 

End Sub 



感謝您的輸入! – codenoob


如果它的工作 - 不要忘記標記爲答案左邊的綠色刻度:) –


是的,明白了。仍然是新的網站和學習所有的規則。感謝您的提示:) – codenoob


據我瞭解,增量是一個遞增 - 連續值之間的差異。因此,代碼應該是:

Private Sub CommandButton3_Click() 

Dim i As Integer, n As Integer, inc As Integer, results() As Integer 
Dim text As String 

n = 100 
inc = InputBox("Please enter increment") 
ReDim results(1 To n) As Integer ' not: (0 to n) 

For i = 1 To n Step inc 
    results(i) = i 
Next i 
text = Join(results, ",") 
MsgBox text 
End Sub 

明白了,謝謝! – codenoob


_theoretically_它應該是'0到n-1',因爲默認情況下VBA使用從零開始的索引。但無論哪種方式工作得很好。 –
