void TerrainClass::ParticalDeposition(int loops){
float height = 0.0;
//for(int k= 0; k <10; k++){
int dropX = mCurrentX = rand()%(m_terrainWidth-80) + 40;
int dropY = mCurrentZ = rand()%(m_terrainHeight-80) + 40;
int radius = 15;
float angle = 0;
int tempthing = 0;
loops = 360;
for(int i = 0; i < loops; i++){
mCurrentX = dropX + radius * cos(angle);
mCurrentZ = dropY + radius * sin(angle);
/*f(i%loops/5 == 0){
dropX -= radius * cos(angle);
dropY += radius * sin(angle);
angle+= 0.005;
mCurrentX = dropX;
mCurrentZ = dropY;
angle += 360/loops;
//dropX += rand()%5;
//dropY += rand()%5;
//for(int j = 0; j < loops; j++){
float newY = 0;
newY = (1 - (2.0f/loops)*i);
if(newY < 0.0f){
newY = 0.0f;
void TerrainClass::DepositParticle(float heightIncrease){
bool posFound = false;
while(posFound == false){
int offset = 10;
int jitter;
m_heightMap[(m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX].y += heightIncrease;
posFound = true;
int element = rand()%m_lowerList.size();
int lowerIndex = m_lowerList.at(element);
bool TerrainClass::Stable(float deltaHeight){
int index[9];
float height[9];
index[0] = ((m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX); //the current index
index[1] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX+1) ? (m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX+1 : -1; // if the index to the right is valid index set index[] to index else set index[] to -1
index[2] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX-1) ? (m_terrainHeight*mCurrentZ)+mCurrentX-1 : -1; //to the left
index[3] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX : -1; // above
index[4] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX : -1; // bellow
index[5] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX+1) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX+1: -1; // above to the right
index[6] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX+1) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX+1: -1; // below to the right
index[7] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX-1) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ+1))+mCurrentX-1: -1; // above to the left
index[8] = ValidIndex((m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX-1) ? (m_terrainHeight*(mCurrentZ-1))+mCurrentX-1: -1; // above to the right
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
height[i] = (index[i] != -1) ? m_heightMap[index[i]].y : -1;
for(int i = 1; i < 9; i++){
if(height[i] != -1){
if(height[i] < height[0] - deltaHeight){
return m_lowerList.empty();
bool TerrainClass::ValidIndex(int index){
return (index > 0 && index < m_terrainWidth*m_terrainHeight) ? true : false;
void TerrainClass::MoveTo(int index){
mCurrentX = index%m_terrainWidth;
mCurrentZ = index/m_terrainHeight;
哇。這真太了不起了。我希望我在去年的算法課程中做了一個小型項目時知道你的項目。你的論文看起來很有趣,我希望有時間閱讀。 [我的項目在github上可用](https://github.com/bobbaluba/PTG)在zlib許可證下,以防任何人有興趣使用更寬鬆的許可證。 – bobbaluba
你的結果比Decaudin's更加優越,至少從截圖來看,我非常欽佩他的作品。非常好。 –