2013-12-16 31 views

對於這項研究,我們必須分析CPU和GPU之間的性能差異。我的問題是,我有一個.cu文件,只有cpp代碼和.cpp文件具有完全相同的代碼。但性能差異在於.cu文件比.cpp文件運行速度快3倍。 .cu文件將由NVCC編譯器編譯,但NVCC編譯器只會編譯cuda代碼,並且沒有cuda代碼,所以它將由主機cpp編譯器編譯。那就是我的問題。我沒有表現出性能差異。.cu和.cpp文件之間的性能差異

#include <iostream> 
#include <conio.h> 
#include <ctime> 
#include <cuda.h> 
#include <cuda_runtime.h>    // Stops underlining of __global__ 
#include <device_launch_parameters.h> // Stops underlining of threadIdx etc. 

using namespace std; 

void FindClosestCPU(float3* points, int* indices, int count) { 
// Base case, if there's 1 point don't do anything 
if(count <= 1) return; 
// Loop through every point 
for(int curPoint = 0; curPoint < count; curPoint++) { 
    // This variable is nearest so far, set it to float.max 
    float distToClosest = 3.40282e38f; 
    // See how far it is from every other point 
    for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { 
     // Don't check distance to itself 
     if(i == curPoint) continue; 
     float dist = sqrt((points[curPoint].x - points[i].x) * 
      (points[curPoint].x - points[i].x) + 
      (points[curPoint].y - points[i].y) * 
      (points[curPoint].y - points[i].y) + 
      (points[curPoint].z - points[i].z) * 
      (points[curPoint].z - points[i].z)); 
     if(dist < distToClosest) { 
      distToClosest = dist; 
      indices[curPoint] = i; 
int main() 
// Number of points 
const int count = 10000; 

// Arrays of points 
int *indexOfClosest = new int[count]; 
float3 *points = new float3[count]; 

// Create a list of random points 
for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) 
    points[i].x = (float)((rand()%10000) - 5000); 
    points[i].y = (float)((rand()%10000) - 5000); 
    points[i].z = (float)((rand()%10000) - 5000); 

// This variable is used to keep track of the fastest time so far 
long fastest = 1000000; 

// Run the algorithm 2 times 
for(int q = 0; q < 2; q++) 
    long startTime = clock(); 

    // Run the algorithm 
    FindClosestCPU(points, indexOfClosest, count); 

    long finishTime = clock(); 

    cout<<"Run "<<q<<" took "<<(finishTime - startTime)<<" millis"<<endl; 

    // If that run was faster update the fastest time so far 
    if((finishTime - startTime) < fastest) 
     fastest = (finishTime - startTime); 

// Print out the fastest time 
cout<<"Fastest time: "<<fastest<<endl; 

// Print the final results to screen 
cout<<"Final results:"<<endl; 
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) 

// Deallocate ram 
delete[] indexOfClosest; 
delete[] points; 


return 0; 



什麼是你在每種情況下使用的編譯命令?系統上每種情況下的實際時間測量是什麼? –


我用visual studio 2012編譯它。.cu版本需要〜2000毫秒,而.cpp版本需要~8000毫秒。我始終以「無需調試即可啓動」啓動程序。 – user3107260


好吧,這是我的錯。我使用了空洞時間調試配置,而不是發佈配置。當我在realse配置下嘗試時,沒有時差。 – user3107260



好吧,因此您沒有使用需要在GPU上運行的任何cuda功能,但是您使用的float3作爲CUDA api的一部分包含,並且不是純粹的CPP,因此當您更改擴展涉及到float3的代碼將由NVCC編譯,因爲它可能與默認的cpp編譯器不同,所以執行期間可能會出現時差。

你可能想通過 擴展傳遞一個「純粹」的cpp文件,.CU的NVCC檢查這,檢查時間差,希望這將 通對整個代碼添加到默認CPP編譯器,並且將有執行時無 無時差。


我將它改爲自寫的c結構,但仍有時差。 – user3107260
