2016-09-14 78 views


I0914 20:03:01.362612 4024 solver.cpp:280] Learning Rate Policy: step 
I0914 20:03:01.367985 4024 solver.cpp:337] Iteration 0, Testing net (#0) 
I0914 20:03:01.368085 4024 net.cpp:693] Ignoring source layer train_database 
I0914 20:03:04.568979 4024 solver.cpp:404]  Test net output #0: accuracy = 0.07575 
I0914 20:03:04.569093 4024 solver.cpp:404]  Test net output #1: loss = 2.20947 (* 1 = 2.20947 loss) 
I0914 20:03:04.610549 4024 solver.cpp:228] Iteration 0, loss = 2.31814 
I0914 20:03:04.610666 4024 solver.cpp:244]  Train net output #0: loss = 2.31814 (* 1 = 2.31814 loss) 
*** Aborted at 1473872584 (unix time) try "date -d @1473872584" if you are using GNU date *** 
PC: @  0x7f6870b62c52 caffe::SGDSolver<>::GetLearningRate() 
*** SIGFPE (@0x7f6870b62c52) received by PID 4024 (TID 0x7f6871004a40) from PID 1890987090; stack trace: *** 
    @  0x7f686f6bbcb0 (unknown) 
    @  0x7f6870b62c52 caffe::SGDSolver<>::GetLearningRate() 
    @  0x7f6870b62e44 caffe::SGDSolver<>::ApplyUpdate() 
    @  0x7f6870b8e2fc caffe::Solver<>::Step() 
    @  0x7f6870b8eb09 caffe::Solver<>::Solve() 
    @   0x40821d train() 
    @   0x40589c main 
    @  0x7f686f6a6f45 (unknown) 
    @   0x40610b (unknown) 
    @    0x0 (unknown) 
Floating point exception (core dumped) 

我搜索了很多,並且main solutions that I've found是: 1.重新編譯caffe文件。嘗試make cleanmake allmake testmake runtest 2.更改linux使用的驅動程序。我用紅色變爲綠色(注意:我使用的是CPU與我的朱古力,並且它在Makeconfig裏面文件中提及):

the drivers on my ubuntu 14.04




/home/roishik/anaconda2/bin/python /home/roishik/Desktop/Thesis/Code/cafe_cnn/third/code/run_network.py 
I0914 20:03:01.142490 4024 caffe.cpp:210] Use CPU. 
I0914 20:03:01.142940 4024 solver.cpp:48] Initializing solver from parameters: 
test_iter: 400 
test_interval: 400 
base_lr: 0.001 
display: 50 
max_iter: 40000 
lr_policy: "step" 
gamma: 0.1 
momentum: 0.9 
weight_decay: 0.0005 
snapshot: 5000 
snapshot_prefix: "/home/roishik/Desktop/Thesis/Code/cafe_cnn/third/caffe_models/my_new/snapshots" 
solver_mode: CPU 
net: "/home/roishik/Desktop/Thesis/Code/cafe_cnn/third/caffe_models/my_new/fc_net_ver1.prototxt" 
train_state { 
    level: 0 
    stage: "" 
I0914 20:03:01.143082 4024 solver.cpp:91] Creating training net from net file: /home/roishik/Desktop/Thesis/Code/cafe_cnn/third/caffe_models/my_new/fc_net_ver1.prototxt 
I0914 20:03:01.143712 4024 net.cpp:322] The NetState phase (0) differed from the phase (1) specified by a rule in layer validation_database 
I0914 20:03:01.143754 4024 net.cpp:322] The NetState phase (0) differed from the phase (1) specified by a rule in layer accuracy 
I0914 20:03:01.143913 4024 net.cpp:58] Initializing net from parameters: 
name: "fc2Net" 
state { 
    phase: TRAIN 
    level: 0 
    stage: "" 
layer { 
    name: "train_database" 
    type: "Data" 
    top: "data" 
    top: "label" 
    include { 
    phase: TRAIN 
    transform_param { 
    mean_file: "/home/roishik/Desktop/Thesis/Code/cafe_cnn/third/input/mean.binaryproto" 
    data_param { 
    source: "/home/roishik/Desktop/Thesis/Code/cafe_cnn/third/input/train_lmdb" 
    batch_size: 200 
    backend: LMDB 
layer { 
    name: "fc1" 
    type: "InnerProduct" 
    bottom: "data" 
    top: "fc1" 
    param { 
    lr_mult: 1 
    decay_mult: 1 
    param { 
    lr_mult: 2 
    decay_mult: 0 
    inner_product_param { 
    num_output: 1024 
    weight_filler { 
     type: "gaussian" 
     std: 0.01 
    bias_filler { 
     type: "constant" 
     value: 0 
layer { 
    name: "relu1" 
    type: "ReLU" 
    bottom: "fc1" 
    top: "fc1" 
layer { 
    name: "fc2" 
    type: "InnerProduct" 
    bottom: "fc1" 
    top: "fc2" 
    param { 
    lr_mult: 1 
    decay_mult: 1 
    param { 
    lr_mult: 2 
    decay_mult: 0 
    inner_product_param { 
    num_output: 1024 
    weight_filler { 
     type: "gaussian" 
     std: 0.01 
    bias_filler { 
     type: "constant" 
     value: 0 
layer { 
    name: "relu2" 
    type: "ReLU" 
    bottom: "fc2" 
    top: "fc2" 
layer { 
    name: "fc3" 
    type: "InnerProduct" 
    bottom: "fc2" 
    top: "fc3" 
    param { 
    lr_mult: 1 
    decay_mult: 1 
    param { 
    lr_mult: 2 
    decay_mult: 0 
    inner_product_param { 
    num_output: 2 
    weight_filler { 
     type: "gaussian" 
     std: 0.01 
    bias_filler { 
     type: "constant" 
     value: 0 
layer { 
    name: "loss" 
    type: "SoftmaxWithLoss" 
    bottom: "fc3" 
    bottom: "label" 
    top: "loss" 
I0914 20:03:01.144016 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer train_database 
I0914 20:03:01.144811 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer train_database 
I0914 20:03:01.144846 4024 net.cpp:408] train_database -> data 
I0914 20:03:01.144909 4024 net.cpp:408] train_database -> label 
I0914 20:03:01.144951 4024 data_transformer.cpp:25] Loading mean file from: /home/roishik/Desktop/Thesis/Code/cafe_cnn/third/input/mean.binaryproto 
I0914 20:03:01.153393 4035 db_lmdb.cpp:35] Opened lmdb /home/roishik/Desktop/Thesis/Code/cafe_cnn/third/input/train_lmdb 
I0914 20:03:01.153481 4024 data_layer.cpp:41] output data size: 200,1,32,32 
I0914 20:03:01.154615 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up train_database 
I0914 20:03:01.154670 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 200 1 32 32 (204800) 
I0914 20:03:01.154693 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 200 (200) 
I0914 20:03:01.154712 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 820000 
I0914 20:03:01.154742 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer fc1 
I0914 20:03:01.154781 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer fc1 
I0914 20:03:01.154804 4024 net.cpp:434] fc1 <- data 
I0914 20:03:01.154837 4024 net.cpp:408] fc1 -> fc1 
I0914 20:03:01.159675 4036 blocking_queue.cpp:50] Waiting for data 
I0914 20:03:01.215118 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up fc1 
I0914 20:03:01.215214 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 200 1024 (204800) 
I0914 20:03:01.215237 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 1639200 
I0914 20:03:01.215306 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer relu1 
I0914 20:03:01.215342 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer relu1 
I0914 20:03:01.215363 4024 net.cpp:434] relu1 <- fc1 
I0914 20:03:01.215387 4024 net.cpp:395] relu1 -> fc1 (in-place) 
I0914 20:03:01.215417 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up relu1 
I0914 20:03:01.215440 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 200 1024 (204800) 
I0914 20:03:01.215459 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 2458400 
I0914 20:03:01.215478 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer fc2 
I0914 20:03:01.215504 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer fc2 
I0914 20:03:01.215524 4024 net.cpp:434] fc2 <- fc1 
I0914 20:03:01.215549 4024 net.cpp:408] fc2 -> fc2 
I0914 20:03:01.264021 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up fc2 
I0914 20:03:01.264062 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 200 1024 (204800) 
I0914 20:03:01.264072 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 3277600 
I0914 20:03:01.264097 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer relu2 
I0914 20:03:01.264118 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer relu2 
I0914 20:03:01.264129 4024 net.cpp:434] relu2 <- fc2 
I0914 20:03:01.264143 4024 net.cpp:395] relu2 -> fc2 (in-place) 
I0914 20:03:01.264166 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up relu2 
I0914 20:03:01.264181 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 200 1024 (204800) 
I0914 20:03:01.264190 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 4096800 
I0914 20:03:01.264201 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer fc3 
I0914 20:03:01.264219 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer fc3 
I0914 20:03:01.264230 4024 net.cpp:434] fc3 <- fc2 
I0914 20:03:01.264245 4024 net.cpp:408] fc3 -> fc3 
I0914 20:03:01.264389 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up fc3 
I0914 20:03:01.264407 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 200 2 (400) 
I0914 20:03:01.264416 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 4098400 
I0914 20:03:01.264434 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer loss 
I0914 20:03:01.264447 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer loss 
I0914 20:03:01.264459 4024 net.cpp:434] loss <- fc3 
I0914 20:03:01.264469 4024 net.cpp:434] loss <- label 
I0914 20:03:01.264487 4024 net.cpp:408] loss -> loss 
I0914 20:03:01.264513 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer loss 
I0914 20:03:01.264544 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up loss 
I0914 20:03:01.264559 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: (1) 
I0914 20:03:01.264569 4024 net.cpp:160]  with loss weight 1 
I0914 20:03:01.264595 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 4098404 
I0914 20:03:01.264606 4024 net.cpp:226] loss needs backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.264617 4024 net.cpp:226] fc3 needs backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.264626 4024 net.cpp:226] relu2 needs backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.264636 4024 net.cpp:226] fc2 needs backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.264647 4024 net.cpp:226] relu1 needs backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.264655 4024 net.cpp:226] fc1 needs backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.264667 4024 net.cpp:228] train_database does not need backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.264675 4024 net.cpp:270] This network produces output loss 
I0914 20:03:01.264695 4024 net.cpp:283] Network initialization done. 
I0914 20:03:01.265384 4024 solver.cpp:181] Creating test net (#0) specified by net file: /home/roishik/Desktop/Thesis/Code/cafe_cnn/third/caffe_models/my_new/fc_net_ver1.prototxt 
I0914 20:03:01.265435 4024 net.cpp:322] The NetState phase (1) differed from the phase (0) specified by a rule in layer train_database 
I0914 20:03:01.265606 4024 net.cpp:58] Initializing net from parameters: 
name: "fc2Net" 
state { 
    phase: TEST 
layer { 
    name: "validation_database" 
    type: "Data" 
    top: "data" 
    top: "label" 
    include { 
    phase: TEST 
    transform_param { 
    mean_file: "/home/roishik/Desktop/Thesis/Code/cafe_cnn/second/input/mean.binaryproto" 
    data_param { 
    source: "/home/roishik/Desktop/Thesis/Code/cafe_cnn/second/input/validation_lmdb" 
    batch_size: 40 
    backend: LMDB 
layer { 
    name: "fc1" 
    type: "InnerProduct" 
    bottom: "data" 
    top: "fc1" 
    param { 
    lr_mult: 1 
    decay_mult: 1 
    param { 
    lr_mult: 2 
    decay_mult: 0 
    inner_product_param { 
    num_output: 1024 
    weight_filler { 
     type: "gaussian" 
     std: 0.01 
    bias_filler { 
     type: "constant" 
     value: 0 
layer { 
    name: "relu1" 
    type: "ReLU" 
    bottom: "fc1" 
    top: "fc1" 
layer { 
    name: "fc2" 
    type: "InnerProduct" 
    bottom: "fc1" 
    top: "fc2" 
    param { 
    lr_mult: 1 
    decay_mult: 1 
    param { 
    lr_mult: 2 
    decay_mult: 0 
    inner_product_param { 
    num_output: 1024 
    weight_filler { 
     type: "gaussian" 
     std: 0.01 
    bias_filler { 
     type: "constant" 
     value: 0 
layer { 
    name: "relu2" 
    type: "ReLU" 
    bottom: "fc2" 
    top: "fc2" 
layer { 
    name: "fc3" 
    type: "InnerProduct" 
    bottom: "fc2" 
    top: "fc3" 
    param { 
    lr_mult: 1 
    decay_mult: 1 
    param { 
    lr_mult: 2 
    decay_mult: 0 
    inner_product_param { 
    num_output: 2 
    weight_filler { 
     type: "gaussian" 
     std: 0.01 
    bias_filler { 
     type: "constant" 
     value: 0 
layer { 
    name: "accuracy" 
    type: "Accuracy" 
    bottom: "fc3" 
    bottom: "label" 
    top: "accuracy" 
    include { 
    phase: TEST 
layer { 
    name: "loss" 
    type: "SoftmaxWithLoss" 
    bottom: "fc3" 
    bottom: "label" 
    top: "loss" 
I0914 20:03:01.265750 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer validation_database 
I0914 20:03:01.265878 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer validation_database 
I0914 20:03:01.265897 4024 net.cpp:408] validation_database -> data 
I0914 20:03:01.265918 4024 net.cpp:408] validation_database -> label 
I0914 20:03:01.265936 4024 data_transformer.cpp:25] Loading mean file from: /home/roishik/Desktop/Thesis/Code/cafe_cnn/second/input/mean.binaryproto 
I0914 20:03:01.266034 4037 db_lmdb.cpp:35] Opened lmdb /home/roishik/Desktop/Thesis/Code/cafe_cnn/second/input/validation_lmdb 
I0914 20:03:01.266098 4024 data_layer.cpp:41] output data size: 40,1,32,32 
I0914 20:03:01.266295 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up validation_database 
I0914 20:03:01.266315 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 40 1 32 32 (40960) 
I0914 20:03:01.266330 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 40 (40) 
I0914 20:03:01.266340 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 164000 
I0914 20:03:01.266350 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer label_validation_database_1_split 
I0914 20:03:01.266386 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer label_validation_database_1_split 
I0914 20:03:01.266404 4024 net.cpp:434] label_validation_database_1_split <- label 
I0914 20:03:01.266422 4024 net.cpp:408] label_validation_database_1_split -> label_validation_database_1_split_0 
I0914 20:03:01.266443 4024 net.cpp:408] label_validation_database_1_split -> label_validation_database_1_split_1 
I0914 20:03:01.266464 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up label_validation_database_1_split 
I0914 20:03:01.266480 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 40 (40) 
I0914 20:03:01.266494 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 40 (40) 
I0914 20:03:01.266505 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 164320 
I0914 20:03:01.266515 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer fc1 
I0914 20:03:01.266531 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer fc1 
I0914 20:03:01.266543 4024 net.cpp:434] fc1 <- data 
I0914 20:03:01.266558 4024 net.cpp:408] fc1 -> fc1 
I0914 20:03:01.320364 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up fc1 
I0914 20:03:01.320461 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 40 1024 (40960) 
I0914 20:03:01.320489 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 328160 
I0914 20:03:01.320533 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer relu1 
I0914 20:03:01.320571 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer relu1 
I0914 20:03:01.320597 4024 net.cpp:434] relu1 <- fc1 
I0914 20:03:01.320627 4024 net.cpp:395] relu1 -> fc1 (in-place) 
I0914 20:03:01.320652 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up relu1 
I0914 20:03:01.320667 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 40 1024 (40960) 
I0914 20:03:01.320678 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 492000 
I0914 20:03:01.320689 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer fc2 
I0914 20:03:01.320709 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer fc2 
I0914 20:03:01.320719 4024 net.cpp:434] fc2 <- fc1 
I0914 20:03:01.320734 4024 net.cpp:408] fc2 -> fc2 
I0914 20:03:01.361732 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up fc2 
I0914 20:03:01.361766 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 40 1024 (40960) 
I0914 20:03:01.361802 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 655840 
I0914 20:03:01.361821 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer relu2 
I0914 20:03:01.361837 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer relu2 
I0914 20:03:01.361845 4024 net.cpp:434] relu2 <- fc2 
I0914 20:03:01.361852 4024 net.cpp:395] relu2 -> fc2 (in-place) 
I0914 20:03:01.361866 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up relu2 
I0914 20:03:01.361872 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 40 1024 (40960) 
I0914 20:03:01.361877 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 819680 
I0914 20:03:01.361881 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer fc3 
I0914 20:03:01.361892 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer fc3 
I0914 20:03:01.361901 4024 net.cpp:434] fc3 <- fc2 
I0914 20:03:01.361909 4024 net.cpp:408] fc3 -> fc3 
I0914 20:03:01.362009 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up fc3 
I0914 20:03:01.362017 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 40 2 (80) 
I0914 20:03:01.362022 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 820000 
I0914 20:03:01.362032 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer fc3_fc3_0_split 
I0914 20:03:01.362041 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer fc3_fc3_0_split 
I0914 20:03:01.362046 4024 net.cpp:434] fc3_fc3_0_split <- fc3 
I0914 20:03:01.362053 4024 net.cpp:408] fc3_fc3_0_split -> fc3_fc3_0_split_0 
I0914 20:03:01.362062 4024 net.cpp:408] fc3_fc3_0_split -> fc3_fc3_0_split_1 
I0914 20:03:01.362073 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up fc3_fc3_0_split 
I0914 20:03:01.362082 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 40 2 (80) 
I0914 20:03:01.362088 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: 40 2 (80) 
I0914 20:03:01.362093 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 820640 
I0914 20:03:01.362097 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer accuracy 
I0914 20:03:01.362120 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer accuracy 
I0914 20:03:01.362128 4024 net.cpp:434] accuracy <- fc3_fc3_0_split_0 
I0914 20:03:01.362134 4024 net.cpp:434] accuracy <- label_validation_database_1_split_0 
I0914 20:03:01.362141 4024 net.cpp:408] accuracy -> accuracy 
I0914 20:03:01.362152 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up accuracy 
I0914 20:03:01.362159 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: (1) 
I0914 20:03:01.362164 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 820644 
I0914 20:03:01.362169 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer loss 
I0914 20:03:01.362176 4024 net.cpp:100] Creating Layer loss 
I0914 20:03:01.362181 4024 net.cpp:434] loss <- fc3_fc3_0_split_1 
I0914 20:03:01.362187 4024 net.cpp:434] loss <- label_validation_database_1_split_1 
I0914 20:03:01.362193 4024 net.cpp:408] loss -> loss 
I0914 20:03:01.362226 4024 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer loss 
I0914 20:03:01.362251 4024 net.cpp:150] Setting up loss 
I0914 20:03:01.362265 4024 net.cpp:157] Top shape: (1) 
I0914 20:03:01.362277 4024 net.cpp:160]  with loss weight 1 
I0914 20:03:01.362298 4024 net.cpp:165] Memory required for data: 820648 
I0914 20:03:01.362311 4024 net.cpp:226] loss needs backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.362323 4024 net.cpp:228] accuracy does not need backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.362336 4024 net.cpp:226] fc3_fc3_0_split needs backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.362347 4024 net.cpp:226] fc3 needs backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.362360 4024 net.cpp:226] relu2 needs backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.362370 4024 net.cpp:226] fc2 needs backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.362381 4024 net.cpp:226] relu1 needs backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.362392 4024 net.cpp:226] fc1 needs backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.362403 4024 net.cpp:228] label_validation_database_1_split does not need backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.362416 4024 net.cpp:228] validation_database does not need backward computation. 
I0914 20:03:01.362426 4024 net.cpp:270] This network produces output accuracy 
I0914 20:03:01.362438 4024 net.cpp:270] This network produces output loss 
I0914 20:03:01.362460 4024 net.cpp:283] Network initialization done. 
I0914 20:03:01.362552 4024 solver.cpp:60] Solver scaffolding done. 
I0914 20:03:01.362591 4024 caffe.cpp:251] Starting Optimization 
I0914 20:03:01.362601 4024 solver.cpp:279] Solving fc2Net 
I0914 20:03:01.362612 4024 solver.cpp:280] Learning Rate Policy: step 
I0914 20:03:01.367985 4024 solver.cpp:337] Iteration 0, Testing net (#0) 
I0914 20:03:01.368085 4024 net.cpp:693] Ignoring source layer train_database 
I0914 20:03:04.568979 4024 solver.cpp:404]  Test net output #0: accuracy = 0.07575 
I0914 20:03:04.569093 4024 solver.cpp:404]  Test net output #1: loss = 2.20947 (* 1 = 2.20947 loss) 
I0914 20:03:04.610549 4024 solver.cpp:228] Iteration 0, loss = 2.31814 
I0914 20:03:04.610666 4024 solver.cpp:244]  Train net output #0: loss = 2.31814 (* 1 = 2.31814 loss) 
*** Aborted at 1473872584 (unix time) try "date -d @1473872584" if you are using GNU date *** 
PC: @  0x7f6870b62c52 caffe::SGDSolver<>::GetLearningRate() 
*** SIGFPE (@0x7f6870b62c52) received by PID 4024 (TID 0x7f6871004a40) from PID 1890987090; stack trace: *** 
    @  0x7f686f6bbcb0 (unknown) 
    @  0x7f6870b62c52 caffe::SGDSolver<>::GetLearningRate() 
    @  0x7f6870b62e44 caffe::SGDSolver<>::ApplyUpdate() 
    @  0x7f6870b8e2fc caffe::Solver<>::Step() 
    @  0x7f6870b8eb09 caffe::Solver<>::Solve() 
    @   0x40821d train() 
    @   0x40589c main 
    @  0x7f686f6a6f45 (unknown) 
    @   0x40610b (unknown) 
    @    0x0 (unknown) 
Floating point exception (core dumped) 

當我看到這個崩潰,這是由於未能與數據集的一些基本操作連接配置學習率政策。對於NVIDIA的細節(例如數據格式),我無能爲力。我的經驗是CPU集羣,主要是與lmdb文件。檢查你的路徑是否準確,可讀等。 – Prune



看看你的錯誤信息:你有SIGFPE信號。這表明你有一個arithmetic error。此外,導致此錯誤的函數是評估學習率的函數。



坦克!它現在有效。我使用「step」方法進行lr更新,但參數是「inv」方法。 – roishik
