2012-06-09 23 views






你能用圖像更新問題嗎?鏈接已經死亡。 –





假設在原點(0,0) 第一圓假設在正上方這一個點的第二圓(0,R1 + R2) 計算第三點 - 這是兩個圓的交集。一個以原點爲中心,半徑爲r1 + r3,另一個以(0,r1 + r2)爲中心,半徑爲r2 + r3。




這被稱爲Circles of Apollonius的問題。您可以使用鏈接找到解決方案。


  1. 設p和q是投影到A和B.
  2. 所選擇的點變換C++,使得其入射到p和q。
  3. 由於我們不希望C在p和q上與A和B相切,我們需要找到p和q的新選擇。
  4. 在p和q處計算在這些點相交的曲線的計算密切圓(或曲率爲0的直線)。
  5. 計算圓(和線)之間的交點的和絃。
  6. 將p和q作爲和絃中點到A和B上的投影,並從2開始重複,直到交點的和絃足夠小。




這是我對這個問題的解決方案的實現。 它包含了很多幾何和觸發標識 - 但沒有調用觸發函數。

HTML >>> 
     Tangent Circles in a Box 
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/tangent_circles.css" type="text/css" /> 
    <div id="main_container"> 
     <div id="inner_container"> 
     <img class="circle" id="left_circle" src="http://www.clker.com/cliparts/Z/Z/S/Y/S/w/red-circle-cross-transparent-background-md.png" alt="left_circle" /> 
     <img class="circle" id="right_circle" src="http://www.clker.com/cliparts/Z/Z/S/Y/S/w/red-circle-cross-transparent-background-md.png" alt="right_circle" /> 
     <img class="circle" id="third_circle" src="http://www.clker.com/cliparts/Z/Z/S/Y/S/w/red-circle-cross-transparent-background-md.png" alt="third_circle" /> 
    <div id="userControls"> 
     <form id="userControlsForm"> 
     Circle One <input id="circleOneInput" type="text" placeholder="Enter Numeric Value" value=""><br> 
     Circle Two <input id="circleTwoInput" type="text" placeholder="Enter Numeric Value" value=""><br> 
     Circle Three <input id="circleThreeInput" type="text" placeholder="Enter Numeric Value" value=""> 
     <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.6/jquery.min.js"></script> 
     <script src="JS/tangent_circles.js"></script> 
HTML <<< 

CSS >>> 
    background-color: white; 

    background-color: #cccccc; 
    width: 800px; 
    height: 800px; 
    margin: auto; 
    border: solid #cccccc 1px; 
    -o-border-radius: 4px; 
    -moz-border-radius: 4px; 
    -webkit-border-radius: 4px; 
    border-radius: 4px; 

    width: 100%; 
    height: 100%; 
    position: relative; 

     position: absolute; 
     text-align: center; 
     font-family: fantasy; 
     top: 0px; 
     left: 0px; 
     width: 300px; 
     height: 300px; 

     top: 0px; 
     left: 0px; 
     width: 300px; 
     height: 300px; 

     top: 0px; 
     left: 0px; 
     width: 300px; 
     height: 300px; 

     padding: 30px; 
     width: 400px; 
     height: 200px; 
     margin: auto; 
     margin-top: 30px; 
     background-color: #dddddd; 

     margin-bottom: 10px; 

     margin-bottom: 10px; 

    position: absolute; 
    left : 20px; 
    top  : 50px; 
    width : 200px; 
CSS <<< 
JS >>> 
$(function() { 
    function changeCircles(){ 
    var radius1 = parseInt($("#circleOneInput").val(), 10); 
    var radius2 = parseInt($("#circleTwoInput").val(), 10); 
    var radius3 = parseInt($("#circleThreeInput").val(), 10); 
    console.log('radius1 = ' + radius1 + ', ' + 
       'radius2 = ' + radius2 + ', ' + 
       'radius3 = ' + radius3 
    if (isNaN(radius1) || isNaN(radius2) || isNaN(radius3)) 
     $("#userControlsForm").after('<span id="inputWarning" style="color: red;">Only Numbers Please</span>'); 
     // normalize circle sizes 

     if (radius1 < 10) 
     radius1 = 10; 

     if (radius2 < 10) 
     radius2 = 10; 

     if (radius3 < 10) 
     radius3 = 10; 

     if (radius1 > 150) 
     radius1 = 150; 

     if (radius2 > 150) 
     radius2 = 150; 

     if (radius3 > 150) 
     radius3 = 150; 

     // do the actual circle changing 
     // 1) calculate 
     // 2) animate 
     // calculate sides of triangle 
     var a = radius2 + radius3; 
     var b = radius1 + radius3; 
     var c = radius2 + radius1; 

     // get dimensions of containing div 
     var container_width = $("#inner_container").width(); 
     var container_height = $("#inner_container").height(); 

     var center_x = container_width/2.0; 
     var center_y = container_height/2.0; 

     // calculate cosine and sine of angle inside circle b 
     var cos_beta = ((a * a) + (c * c) - (b * b))/(2 * a * c); 
     var sin_beta = Math.sqrt(1 - cos_beta * cos_beta); 

     // calculate coordinates of circles a and b 
     var Ax = 0; 
     var Ay = 0; 
     var Bx = radius1 + radius2; 
     var By = 0; 

     // calculate cosine and sine of angle between triangle and horizontal 
     var cos_phi = (Bx - Ax)/c; 
     var sin_phi = Math.sqrt(1 - cos_phi * cos_phi); 

     // calculate the cosine and sine of the sum of both angles 
     var cos_phiNbeta = cos_phi * cos_beta - sin_beta * sin_phi; 
     var sin_phiNbeta = cos_phi * sin_beta + sin_phi * cos_beta; 

     // calculate coordinates of circle c 
     var Cx = Bx - cos_phiNbeta * a; 
     var Cy = By + sin_phiNbeta * a; 

     // find centroid 
     var centroid_x = (Ax + Bx + Cx)/3.0; 
     var centroid_y = (Ay + By + Cy)/3.0; 

     // get coordinate adjustment 
     var adjust_x = center_x - centroid_x; 
     var adjust_y = center_y - centroid_y; 

     // convert coordinates to div position values 
     var A_left = Ax + adjust_x - radius1; 
     var A_top = Ay + adjust_y - radius1; 
     var B_left = Bx + adjust_x - radius2; 
     var B_top = By + adjust_y - radius2; 
     var C_left = Cx + adjust_x - radius3; 
     var C_top = Cy + adjust_y - radius3; 

     // calculate div dimensions 
     var A_width = 2 * radius1; 
     var A_height = 2 * radius1; 
     var B_width = 2 * radius2; 
     var B_height = 2 * radius2; 
     var C_width = 2 * radius3; 
     var C_height = 2 * radius3; 

    // the following needs Jquery 
     var circle_a = $("#left_circle"); 
     var circle_b = $("#right_circle"); 
     var circle_c = $("#third_circle"); 

         'top' : A_top + 'px', 
         'left' : A_left + 'px', 
         'width' : A_width + 'px', 
         'height': A_height + 'px' 
         }, 500); 

         'top' : B_top + 'px', 
         'left' : B_left + 'px', 
         'width' : B_width + 'px', 
         'height': B_height + 'px' 
         }, 500); 

         'top' : C_top + 'px', 
         'left' : C_left + 'px', 
         'width' : C_width + 'px', 
         'height': C_height + 'px' 
         }, 500); 

}); // end ready 
JS <<<