- 可以在Word建議可用於瀏覽器
- 可能在應用Akinator被用來發現你認爲的人? (不知道http://en.akinator.com/)
- 測試處理器(http://cglab.ca/~morin/misc/arraylayout/)
- 調試
二進制搜索具有O(logn)複雜性....這意味着如果有'n'個已排序元素的列表,則需要logn比較來搜索一個數字。 例如,您的列表包含20個整數:{1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20} ... 而你想搜索這個列表中的任何數字,(想想這個列表中的一個數字)。現在看一下這些組問題:
Q1. Is 10 the number which you chose? - (y/n)?
-------- if yes then done. (I say "No")
if no then,
Q2. Is the number less than 10 - (y/n)?
-------- I say "No"; which means the number is greater than 10
Q3. Is 15 the number which you chose? - (y/n)?
-------- if yes then done. (I say "No")
Q4. Is the number less than 15? - (y/n)?
-------- I say "Yes"; So now its sure that the number is in between 10 and 15 (i.e., [11,14])
Q5. Is 12 the number which you chose? - (y/n)?
-------- if yes then done. (I say "No")
Q6. Is the number greater than 12? - (y/n)?
I say "Yes"; So now its sure that the number is either 13 or 14
Q7. Is the number 13? - (y/n)?
-------- I say "Yes" else its 14.
(Actually I had chosen 13 as my number)
So in total there are 20 elements, log of 20 (base 2) is 4.32 ~ 4.
So here are my comparisons:
1 st comparison: Is the number less than 10 - (y/n)?
2 nd comparison: Is the number less than 15? - (y/n)?
3 rd comparison: Is the number greater than 12? - (y/n)?
4 th comparison: Is the number 13? - (y/n)?
,我發現在僅4個比較數13(或14),這是真實的LOGN = log20(基數爲2)= 4。
因此,Akinator應用程序就像這樣工作。它可以處理大量的數據,並根據用戶對Akinator問題的答覆預測答案。 通過決策樹和二進制搜索樹的閱讀可能會幫助你:)