<select id="inputA">
<select id="inputB">
<p>Your number is <span class="showUser"></span></p>
If inputA is 1 and inputB is 1, showUser "Alpha"
If inputA is 1 and inputB is 2, showUser "Beta"
If inputA is 1 and inputB is 3, showUser "Gamma"
If inputA is 2 and inputB is 1, showUser "Delta"
If inputA is 2 and inputB is 2, showUser "Epsilon"
If inputA is 2 and inputB is 3, showUser "Zeta"
If inputA is 3 and inputB is 1, showUser "Eta"
If inputA is 3 and inputB is 2, showUser "Thea"
If inputA is 3 and inputB is 3, showUser "Iota"
這看起來像一個非常微不足道的功能。你有沒有嘗試過自己?以「爲我工作」爲主題的問題往往很快就會從網站downvoted –
@凱我只是不知道如何實際比較兩個變量 - 如果你不介意告訴我如何做一個,我會刪除這篇文章! – Jonathan
請勿刪除帖子。如果你有一個有效的答案,它可以幫助其他人下線,建立你自己的代表,以便你在未來的網站上更認真地對待 –