我有一個任務來創建一個程序,將deci(-32,768到32,767)轉換爲bin。輸出必須顯示全部16位。例如,如果輸入是120,輸出應該是:0000000001111000.我不知道如何反向輸出0和1。當我輸入120時,我得到:0001111000000000. P.S:我使用Pep/8彙編器和模擬器(http://code.google.com/p/pep8-1/),它可用於Mac和PC。 這是我到目前爲止有:Deci到bin轉換器(pep/8彙編器和模擬器)
;Pavel; Assignment 3
BR main ;Branch to MAIN
num: .BLOCK 2 ;Input variable
flag: .BLOCK 2 ;C flag
limit: .BLOCK 2 ;Loop LIMIT
main: LDA 0, i ;Clear Accumulator
DECI num, d ;Input
loop: LDA limit, d ;Load loop LIMIT
CPA 16, i ;Compare LIMIT to 16
BREQ exit ;If LIMIT == 16, branch to EXIT. Done converting.
LDA num, d ;Load NUM
ASRA ;Shift NUM to the right (division by 2)
STA num, d ;Store NUM after division
if: MOVFLGA ;Load flags to Accumulator
BRC else ;If C == 1, branch to ELSE
DECO 0, i ;Output 0
LDA limit, d ;Load LIMIT
ADDA 1, i ;Add 1 to LIMIT
STA limit, d ;Store LIMIT
BR loop ;Branch to LOOP
else: DECO 1, i ;Output 1
LDA limit, d ;Load LIMIT
ADDA 1, i ;Add 1 to LIMIT
STA limit, d ;Store LIMIT
BR loop ;Branch to LOOP
exit: CHARO ' ', i ;Outputs space
左移乘以2. – Rndpbs 2012-04-23 02:58:05
哦,我的壞,我找到了你。非常感謝。 – Rndpbs 2012-04-23 03:02:22