感謝您的回覆。我幾乎沒有放棄以我認爲應該的方式工作。當然,我認爲事情應該發生的不是他們如何發生。 :)
這裏的基本上它是如何工作的,但似乎在某些情況下,像素爲關,而圈似乎丟失部分時,事情在一些邊界條件,我有土地沒有搞清楚。就我個人而言,我認爲這是不能接受的內部應用程序代碼,應該在Android庫中......如果你爲谷歌工作,眨眼,微調。 :)
private class LinearMapCanvas
private final Canvas canvas_; // hold a wrapper to the actual canvas.
// scaling and translating values:
private double scale_;
private int translateX_;
private int translateY_;
// linear mapping from my coordinate system to the display's:
private double mapX(final double x)
final double result = translateX_ + scale_*x;
return result;
private double mapY(final double y)
final double result = translateY_ - scale_*y;
return result;
public LinearMapCanvas(final Canvas canvas)
canvas_ = canvas;
// Find the extents of your drawing coordinates:
final double minX = extentArray_[0];
final double minY = extentArray_[1];
final double maxX = extentArray_[2];
final double maxY = extentArray_[3];
// deltas:
final double dx = maxX - minX;
final double dy = maxY - minY;
// The display's available pixels, accounting for margins and pen stroke width:
final int width = width_ - strokeWidth_ - 2*margin_;
final int height = height_ - strokeWidth_ - 2*margin_;
final double scaleX = width/dx;
final double scaleY = height/dy;
scale_ = Math.min(scaleX , scaleY); // Pick the worst case, so the drawing fits
// Translate so the image is centered:
translateX_ = (int)((width_ - (int)(scale_*dx))/2.0 - scale_*minX);
translateY_ = (int)((height_ - (int)(scale_*dy))/2.0 + scale_*maxY);
// wrappers around the canvas functions you use. These are only two of many that would need to be wrapped. Annoying and error prone, but beats any alternative I can find.
public void drawCircle(final float cx, final float cy, final float radius, final Paint paint)
canvas_.drawCircle((float)mapX(cx), (float)mapY(cy), (float)(scale_*radius), paint);
public void drawLine(final float startX, final float startY, final float stopX, final float stopY, final Paint paint)
canvas_.drawLine((float)mapX(startX), (float)mapY(startY), (float)mapX(stopX), (float)mapY(stopY), paint);
是的,getWidth()和getHeight()在構造函數中不起作用。 – Mitch 2010-06-13 00:48:11