我試圖將字符串輸入到數組由用戶輸入 - 使用掃描儀。 我在提示用戶輸入學生總數並將其保存在變量中以確定數組長度。 每個循環我想問一個問題:「什麼是學生的名字」(以及他們在櫃檯中的位置),即學生#1學生#2等 下面的代碼似乎是按原樣工作的。打印到system.out.print.ln中的數組的屏幕計數器值
System.out.println("what is first name of student")
public class Student
public static void main(String[]args)//Main method
Scanner input=new Scanner(System.in);
int studentNumber;// declare a variable to store # students
System.out.println("Please enter the number of students.");
noStudent=input.nextInt();//take in user input for number of racers
while (noStudent<2 || noStudent>20)// validate users
//while users input is invalid, alert user and prompt user for a valid number
System.out.println("Invalid input please re-enter a number between 2 and 20.");
String[] nameArray = new String[noStudent];
for(int counter = 0; counter<nameArray.length; counter++)
System.out.println("please enter first name of student " + i+);
nameArray[counter] = input.next();
}//end main
}//end class