void LinkedList::pop_front()
mFront->data = NULL;
mFront = mFront->next;
void LinkedList::pop_back()
mBack->data = NULL;
class LinkedList
// Default Constructor
// Purpose: Initializes an empty list
// Parameters: none
// Returns: none
// The push_front function
// Purpose: add an item to the front of the list
// Parameters: a int item for the front
// Returns: none
void push_front(int data);
// The push_back function
// Purpose: insert an item into the back of the list
// Parameters: int item to add the the back
// Returns: none
void push_back(int data);
// The pop_front function
// Purpose: delete the item in the front of the list
// Parameters: none
// Returns: none
void pop_front();
// the pop_back function
// Purpose: remove the item at the end of the list
// Parameters: none
// Returns: none
void pop_back();
// The getFirst function
// Purpose: print the first item in the list
// Parameters: none
// Returns: none
void getFirst();
// the GetLast function
// Purpose: return the last item in the list
// Parameters: none
// Returns: none
void getLast();
void printList();
// the clear function
// Purpose: clear the list, free memory
// Parameters: none
// Returns: none
void clear();
// Destructor
// Purpose: clear up memory
// Parameters: none
// Returns: none
LinkedList *mFront; // point to the front of our list
LinkedList *mBack; // point to the back of our list
LinkedList *next; // the next node
LinkedList *previous; // the previous node
int data; // our list data manipulator
如果你想O(1)去除的元素,你需要一個[雙向鏈表(HTTP:/ /en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doubly_linked_list)(即所有節點上的'next'和'prev'指針)。 – 2012-04-18 21:03:42
如果這是家庭作業,最好添加'家庭作業'標籤,以便人們可以嘗試給出更多的解釋和更少的代碼。 – thiton 2012-04-18 21:06:07