2014-05-18 47 views


1. FFT the image 
2. FFT the kernel, padded to the size of the image 
3. multiply the two in the frequency domain (equivalent to convolution in the spatial domain) 
4. IFFT (inverse FFT) the result 

步驟從Gaussian blur and FFT





%Blur Demo 

%Import image 
origimage = imread('tonimorrison','jpg'); 

%Reduce image to 2-D 
origimage = origimage(:,:,1); 

%Plot image 
figure, imagesc(origimage) 
axis square 
colormap gray 
title('Original Image') 
set(gca, 'XTick', [], 'YTick', []) 


%Blur Kernel 
ksize = 31; 
kernel = zeros(ksize); 

%Gaussian Blur 
s = 3; 
m = ksize/2; 
[X, Y] = meshgrid(1:ksize); 
kernel = (1/(2*pi*s^2))*exp(-((X-m).^2 + (Y-m).^2)/(2*s^2)); 

%Display Kernel 
figure, imagesc(kernel) 
axis square 
title('Blur Kernel') 
colormap gray 

%Embed kernel in image that is size of original image 
[h, w] = size(origimage); 
kernelimage = zeros(h,w); 
kernelimage(1:ksize, 1:ksize) = kernel; 

%Perform 2D FFTs 
fftimage = fft2(double(origimage)); 
fftkernel = fft2(kernelimage); 

%Set all zero values to minimum value 
fftkernel(find(fftkernel == 0)) = 1e-6; 

%Multiply FFTs 
fftblurimage = fftimage.*fftkernel; 

%Perform Inverse 2D FFT 
blurimage = ifft2(fftblurimage); 

%Display Blurred Image 
figure, imagesc(blurimage) 
axis square 
title('Blurred Image') 
colormap gray 
set(gca, 'XTick', [], 'YTick', []) 

大示例代碼。我確實有一些建議使這一點變得更好。 (1)使用我們可以測試的實際圖像顯示示例結果。您正在使用帶有我們無法訪問的本地圖像的imread。 (2)不要簡單地使用紅色通道轉換爲灰度。使用'rgb2gray'爲你做。 (3)如果您有時間,可擴展到彩色圖像,您可以在每個通道單獨執行過濾。 (4)使用'find'將所有零值設置爲最小值是有點低效的。改用邏輯索引:'fftkernel(fftkernel == 0)= 1e-6;'這裏你不需要'find'。 – rayryeng