2014-01-10 44 views


'data.frame': 202206 obs. of 4 variables: 
$ cros : int -205 -200 -195 -190 -185 -180 -175 -170 -165 -160 ... 
$ along: Factor w/ 113 levels "100","101","102",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 
$ alti : num 1.61 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.59 1.58 ... 
$ year : Factor w/ 6 levels "1979","1983",..: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 

cros along alti year 
-205 100 1.61 1979 
-200 100 1.60 1979 
-195 100 1.60 1979 
-190 100 1.60 1979 
-185 100 1.60 1979 
-180 100 1.59 1979 




dt <- as.data.table(total) 
tt <- dt[,length(unique(along,year)),by=cros] 
tt <- tt[V1==max(V1)] 
test <-dt[cros %in% tt$cros] 



> df <- data.frame(along =  c(10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12), year = c(20,20,20,25,25,25,21,21,20,20,25,25,25,21,21,21,20,20,20,20,25,25,25,25,25,21,21,21,21), cros = c(11,12,13,11,12,13,11,12,11,12,11,12,13,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,14,15,16,17,18,12,13,14,15), value = ceiling(rnorm(29)*10)) 
> df 
    along year cros value 
    10 20 11 -3 
    10 20 12  5 
    10 20 13 -22 
    10 25 11 -9 
    10 25 12 -3 
    10 25 13 -8 
    10 21 11 -8 
    10 21 12 -8 
    11 20 11  7 
    11 20 12 -4 
    11 25 11 -6 
    11 25 12  9 
    11 25 13 -5 
    11 21 11  6 
    11 21 12 17 
    11 21 13 -5 
    12 20 14 -16 
    12 20 15 -17 
    12 20 16 -18 
    12 20 17 -3 
    12 25 14 -18 
    12 25 15 -11 
    12 25 16 -1 
    12 25 17  6 
    12 25 18 14 
    12 21 12 -3 
    12 21 13 19 
    12 21 14 16 
    12 21 15  7 


along year cros value 
    10 20 11 -3 
    10 20 12  5 
    10 25 11 -9 
    10 25 12 -3 
    10 21 11 -8 
    10 21 12 -8 
    11 20 11  7 
    11 20 12 -4 
    11 25 11 -6 
    11 25 12  9 
    11 21 11  6 
    11 21 12 17 
    12 20 14 -16 
    12 20 15 -17 
    12 25 14 -18 
    12 25 15 -11 
    12 21 14 16 
    12 21 15  7 

您應該給出一個可重複使用的玩具數據示例。例如做一些描述問題的東西,並告訴我們你的期望。與data.table相同的東西(沿= as.factor(rep(1:2,each = 6)),years = rep(2000:2003,times = 4))' –




dt = data.table(df) 

# find the intersections; run in pieces to see what's going on here 
to.keep = dt[, list(list(unique(cros))), by = list(along, year)][, 
       list(cros = Reduce(intersect, V1)), by = along] 

# set the keys to merge together 
setkey(to.keep, along, cros) 
setkey(dt, along, cros) 

# final result 
res = to.keep[dt, nomatch = 0] 

# optionally, you can order and rearrange columns 
setkey(res, along, year, cros)[, names(dt), with = F] 
# along year cros value 
# 1: 10 20 11 11 
# 2: 10 20 12  7 
# 3: 10 21 11 -4 
# 4: 10 21 12  9 
# 5: 10 25 11 -16 
# 6: 10 25 12  8 
# 7: 11 20 11 17 
# 8: 11 20 12  1 
# 9: 11 21 11  8 
#10: 11 21 12 -13 
#11: 11 25 11 -7 
#12: 11 25 12 17 
#13: 12 20 14 12 
#14: 12 20 15 -7 
#15: 12 21 14  3 
#16: 12 21 15  9 
#17: 12 25 14  6 
#18: 12 25 15 -2 

編輯 1沿着是樣ID 2-CRO公司是在給定的斷面在所有年份 3-所有斷面進行了採樣,但不是在所有采樣點採樣點每樣在所有年份 4的問題是,除去那些沒有爲所有六個年


count_var<-ddply(dt, ~along+cros, summarise, count = length(year)) 
dt<-merge(dt, count_var, by = c("along", "cros"), all.x = T) 
dt_all6<-subset(dt, count==6) 


along<-as.factor(rep(1:113, 54)) 
year<-as.factor(c(rep(1979, 1017), rep(1980, 1017), rep(1981, 1017), rep(1982, 1017), rep(1983, 1017), rep(1984, 1017))) 
cros_A<-c(rep(5, 113), rep(10, 113), rep(15, 113), rep(20, 113), rep(25, 113), rep(30, 113), rep(35, 113), rep(40, 113), rep(45, 113)) 
cros<-as.factor(rep(cros_A, 6)) 
alti<-rnorm(6102, mean = 1.5, sd = 0.5) 
dt<-cbind.data.frame(along, year, cros, alti) 


dt<-dt[c(1:100, 106:400, 406:1500, 1506:1600, 1606:2500, 2506:3000, 3006:3500, 3506:4000, 4006:5000, 5006:6102), ] 

這是行不通的,最後一行的代碼只是給了我一個空的數據框。我想刪除每年不會發生的變量cros的特定行,並且每個transect除外。 – Marinka


但是我的樣本數據集在他們中有一些錯誤(我忘記刪除行號行,不知何故每年和我轉身) – Marinka


交叉實際的觀測變量?還是僅僅是你已經做出的一項任務來表明是否存在給定水平的所有年份?我假設後者。如果這不正確,則重命名長度變量。 – SamanthaDS