嘿,我是一個初學者,介紹C++類,這是我的第一個任務。幾天前我發佈了這個消息,但我仍然有些失落。我必須使用公式:d = v0 * t + 1/2 * g t^2和v = v0 + g t。其中v0保持恆定爲0,g也保持恆定在9.807 m/s^2。我不斷收到一個錯誤,它是「預期在第一個{{token」之前的非限定id {並且似乎無法修復它們,並且我確信這段代碼是不正確的,那麼你能幫我解決這個問題嗎?C++編程,無法編程查找速度和距離
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
const float GRAVITY = 9.807, INITIALVELOCITY = 0;
int seconds;
cout << "Please enter the time in seconds." << endl;
cin >> seconds;
} //end function Time
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
float distance, velocity, seconds;
void getSeconds (void);
cout.setf (ios::fixed,ios::floatfield);
cin >> seconds;
while (seconds > 0) {
distance = INITIALVELOCITY * seconds + (0.5 * GRAVITY * pow(seconds, 2));
velocity = INITIALVELOCITY + (GRAVITY * seconds);
cout.precision (0);
cout << endl << "WHEN THE TIME IS" << seconds << "SECONDS THE DISTANCE"
"TRAVELED IS" << distance << "METERS THE VELOCITY IS" << velocity <<
cout. precision(1);
cout<< seconds << distance << velocity << endl << endl;
system ("PAUSE");
} //end main
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