2015-05-12 81 views

如何用管道「|」替換逗號分隔符分隔符。來源:Batch convert Excel to text-delimited files使用管道分隔符對Excel單元格進行CSV格式化

Option Explicit 
Dim oFSO, myFolder 
Dim xlCSV 
Set oFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
xlCSV = 6 'Excel CSV format enum 
Call ConvertAllExcelFiles(myFolder) 
Set oFSO = Nothing 
Call MsgBox ("Done!") 
Sub ConvertAllExcelFiles(ByVal oFolder) 
Dim targetF, oFileList, oFile 
Dim oExcel, oWB, oWSH 
Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") 
oExcel.DisplayAlerts = False 
Set targetF = oFSO.GetFolder(oFolder) 
Set oFileList = targetF.Files 
For Each oFile in oFileList 
    If (Right(oFile.Name, 4) = "xlsx") Then 
     Set oWB = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(oFile.Path) 
     For Each oWSH in oWB.Sheets 
      Call oWSH.SaveAs (oFile.Path & oWSH.Name & ".csv", xlCSV) 
     Set oWSH = Nothing 
     Call oWB.Close 
     Set oWB = Nothing 
    End If 
Call oExcel.Quit 
Set oExcel = Nothing 
End Sub 




Sub SaveCopy() 
    'This savecopy routine will output to a pipe delimited file, good for bulk inserting into an Oracle DB 
    Dim vFileName As Variant 
    Dim rngLastCell As Range 
    Dim lLastRow As Long 
    Dim nLastCol As Integer 
    Dim lCurrRow As Long 
    Dim nCurrCol As Integer 
    Dim sRowString As String 
    Dim ArchiveFolder As String 
    ArchiveFolder = "C:\Temp\" 
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False 
    vFileName = ArchiveFolder & "Daily" & Format(Now(), "YYYYMMDDHHMMSS") & ".txt" 
    Open vFileName For Output As #1 
    Set rngLastCell = ActiveSheet.Range("A1").SpecialCells(xlLastCell) 
    lLastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 
    nLastCol = Range("XFD1").End(xlToLeft).Column 
    For lCurrRow = 1 To lLastRow 
     sRowString = join(application.transpose(application.transpose(Range("A" & lCurrRow).Resize(1,nLastCol))),"|") 
     If Len(sRowString) = nLastCol - 1 Then 
      Print #1, 
      Print #1, sRowString 
     End If 
    Next lCurrRow 
    Close #1 
    'ActiveWindow.Close False 
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True 
End Sub 

我相信這[StringBuilder的](HTTP://codereview.stackexchange。 com/q/67596/23788)類可以顯着加快這裏的循環字符串連接。 –


你的代碼似乎無法正常工作。 800A0401 - 預期結束語句。需要幫忙。非常感謝!! – Lee


代碼中哪裏出錯? –
