2012-01-29 210 views

你好我使用的KDD 1999數據集,我正在尋找應用樸素貝葉斯在它的matlab。我想知道的是KDD數據集數據的494021x42陣列,如果你注意到了樸素貝葉斯代碼「培訓」和「target_class」下面:Matlab樸素貝葉斯

training = [1;0;-1;-2;4;0]; % this is the sample data. 
target_class = ['posi';'zero';'negi';'negi';'posi';'zero']; 
    % This should have the same number of rows as training data but why? 

% Training and Testing the classifier (between positive and negative) 
test = 10*randn(10,1) % this is for testing. I am generating random numbers. 
class = classify(test,training, target_class, 'diaglinear') 
% This command classifies the test data depening on the given training data using a  Naive Bayes classifier 

% diaglinear is for naive bayes classifier; there is also diagquadratic 

我想知道什麼是「Target_class 「與kdd數據集的攻擊類型有關?

back dos 
buffer_overflow u2r 
ftp_write r2l 
guess_passwd r2l 
imap r2l 
ipsweep probe 
land dos 
loadmodule u2r 
multihop r2l 
neptune dos 
nmap probe 
perl u2r 
phf r2l 
pod dos 
portsweep probe 
rootkit u2r 
satan probe 
smurf dos 
spy r2l 
teardrop dos 
warezclient r2l 
warezmaster r2l 


protocol_type: symbolic. 
service: symbolic. 
flag: symbolic. 
src_bytes: continuous. 
dst_bytes: continuous. 
land: symbolic. 
wrong_fragment: continuous. 



如果你閱讀了任務定義,例如, here,你會發現目標類確實是攻擊類型。然而,訓練集比測試集包含更少的攻擊類型。



奇怪,這是否意味着訓練集中攻擊類型的數量較少,我可能從結論中得不到任何有意義的結果?你會認爲測試數據會包含更少的數據,並且訓練包含更多的準確性。 – 2012-01-29 15:08:32


如果你今天訓練你的分類,你只能訓練到目前爲止所看到的攻擊。假設將來可能出現與現有攻擊相關的新攻擊是合理的。檢測這些也是你的任務! – 2012-01-29 15:14:26